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Solicitors Services Framework



Solicitors Services Lot 1: Adult social services 8.2. Within this Lot, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 8.2.1. Legal advice to social work teams; 8.2.2. Advice relating to health and social care including mental health, community care, residential care, older people, people with disability, elderly mentally infirm and all other aspects of social care; 8.2.3. Proceedings relating to health and social care matters; 8.2.4. Public interest immunity issues including attendance at court; 8.2.5. Advice and conduct of proceedings relating to judicial review; and 8.2.6. Court of Protection. Lot 2: Child social services 9.2. Within this Lot, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 9.2.1. Public interest immunity issues including attendance at court; 9.2.2. Advice and conduct of proceedings relating to judicial review; 9.2.3. Legal advice to social work teams; 9.2.4. Children Act proceedings in all courts; 9.2.5. Adoption and Children Act proceedings in all courts; and 9.2.6. Fostering and adoption advice. Lot 3: Civil litigation 10.2. Within this Lot, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 10.2.1. County Court proceedings (claimant and defendant); 10.2.2. High Court proceedings (claimant and defendant); 10.2.3. Judicial review proceedings; 10.2.4. Magistrate Court civil actions; 10.2.5. Licensing proceedings/appeals; 10.2.6. Possession proceedings; 10.2.7. Anti-Social Behaviour Orders; 10.2.8. Enforcement proceedings; 10.2.9. Bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings; 10.2.10. Housing disrepair claims; 10.2.11. Injunctions; 10.2.12. Planning public inquiries/appeals; 10.2.13. Personal injury; 10.2.14. Housing law; 10.2.15. Licensing law; 10.2.16. Travellers; 10.2.17. Alternative dispute resolution; 10.2.18. Procurement cases; 10.2.19. Competition law cases; 10.2.20. First Tier and Upper Tribunal proceedings; and Coroner’s inquests. Lot 4: Corporate governance & ethical standards 11.2. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 11.2.1. Monitoring officers support; 11.2.2. Advice to standards committee; 11.2.3. Investigations; 11.2.4. Advice on council constitutions and governance issues; 11.2.5. Ombudsman complaints; 11.2.6. Freedom of Information and Data Protection; 11.2.7. Local authority powers and vires; and 11.2.8. General local authority law. Lot 5: Criminal litigation 12.2. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 12.2.1. Magistrates proceedings (claimant and defendant); 12.2.2. Crown Court proceedings (claimant and defendant); 12.2.3. Judicial review proceedings; 12.2.4. Magistrate Court civil actions; 12.2.5. Enforcement proceedings; 12.2.6. Injunctions; 12.2.7. Health and Safety prosecutions; 12.2.8. Food prosecutions; 12.2.9. Trading Standards prosecutions; 12.2.10. Planning prosecutions; and 12.2.11. Fraud prosecutions. Lot 6: Education law 13.2. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 13.2.1. Advice to local education authorities and schools; 13.2.2. Special needs tribunals; 13.2.3. School appeals panels; 13.2.4. Legal advice on school governance; 13.2.5. School attendance prosecutions; 13.2.6. School reorganisations; 13.2.7. Public interest immunity issues including attendance at court; 13.2.8. Advice and conduct of proceedings relating to judicial review; 13.2.9. Advice on legislation to universities and further education colleges; 13.2.10. Advice on university and further education college governance; 13.2.11. Advice on further education student complaints; and 13.2.12. Policy advice. Lot 7: Employment law 14.2. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 14.2.1. General advice; 14.2.2. Contract formation; 14.2.3. Secondment and loan agreements; 14.2.4. Discrimination law; 14.2.5. Equal pay; 14.2.6. Pensions; 14.2.7. Advice on legislative changes; 14.2.8. TUPE; 14.2.9. Grievance handling; 14.2.10. Dismissal procedures; 14.2.11. Dispute resolution; 14.2.12. Settlement agreements; 14.2.13. Taxation of termination payments, including pot-employment notice pay (PENP) calculations; 14.2.14. Tribunal work; 14.2.15. School employment law; 14.2.16. Other payroll/HR matters; 14.2.17. Police authority work; 14.2.18. Senior Officer Complaints; 14.2.19. Police Staff Appeals. Lot 8: Major IT & commercial contracts 15.2. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 15.2.1. Procurement advice; 15.2.2. IT contracts; 15.2.3. Contract advice; 15.2.4. Performance bonds; 15.2.5. Guarantees; 15.2.6. Service level agreements; 15.2.7. Commercial agreements; 15.2.8. Entertainment agreements; 15.2.9. Contract and IP disputes; 15.2.10. Waste management; 15.2.11. Subsidy control; 15.2.12. Charities; 15.2.13. Company law including formation of companies; 15.2.14. Partnership/multi agency agreements; 15.2.15. Funding agreements; 15.2.16. Trust agreements; 15.2.17. Charities; 15.2.18. Joint venture agreements; and 15.2.19. Advice on trademarks, copyright and IPR. Lot 9: Planning & environment law 16.2. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 16.2.1. Planning and environmental law advice; 16.2.2. Advice on determination of planning applications; 16.2.3. Consents and conditions; 16.2.4. Section 106 agreements; 16.2.5. Planning public enquiries/appeals; 16.2.6. Planning prosecutions; 16.2.7. Planning enforcement; 16.2.8. Contaminated land; 16.2.9. Building regulations; 16.2.10. Judicial review proceedings; 16.2.11. Rights of way; 16.2.12. Drainage; 16.2.13. Commons & village greens; 16.2.14. Highway advice; 16.2.15. Flooding advice; and 16.2.16. Parliamentary agents services (including legislative drafting and advice on vires). Lot 10: Property law 17.2. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 17.2.1. Sales of commercial land and property; 17.2.2. Purchase of commercial land and property; 17.2.3. Lease of commercial land and property; 17.2.4. Compulsory Purchase Orders and inquiries; 17.2.5. Development agreements; 17.2.6. Section 106 agreements; 17.2.7. Commercial leases; 17.2.8. Redevelopment project agreements; 17.2.9. Licences and concession agreements; 17.2.10. Agriculture agreements; 17.2.11. Highway agreements; 17.2.12. Rent review and associated proceedings; 17.2.13. Road adoption agreements; 17.2.14. Conveyancing ancillary documents/agreements; 17.2.15. Sale of land and property; 17.2.16. Purchase of land and property; 17.2.17. Lease of land and property; 17.2.18. Legal charges; 17.2.19. Shared ownership; 17.2.20. Land tribunal; 17.2.21. Compulsory Purchase Orders and public inquiries; 17.2.22. Allotment agreements; 17.2.23. Rent to buy disposals; 17.2.24. Commons and village greens; 17.2.25. Land charges; 17.2.26. Housing law; and 17.2.27. Landlord and tenant. Lot 11: Public administration law 18.2. This lot is to cover the requirements of public bodies with regulatory responsibilities or those creating legislation or regulations. 18.3. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 18.3.1. The interpretation of and compliance with legislation or regulations, including those that describe individual organisation’s powers or duties and vires and those that more generally impact how public bodies operate. This will include relevant Welsh Language Standards, the Equalities Act, the Well-being of Future Generations Act, the Environment Act and the Social Procurement and Social Partnership Act and any other applicable legislation; 18.3.2. Interpretation of education legislation as it affects all education in Wales; 18.3.3. The operationalising of legislation or Regulations – including the creation of rules or conditions and other regulatory documents, policy, procedures and template documentation; 18.3.4. Reviewing advice or guidance on legislation, regulations, rules or conditions provided by public bodies to those regulated (or users of public services); 18.3.5. Provide advice in relation to regulating governance within the education sector to include: Reviewing advice on education governance; Charity commission role in education in Wales; Registered charities compliance with charity requirements including the Charities Act 2011; Advice on educational oversight of the education sector in the context of Home Office guidance and UK student visa legislation; Financial risk assessment of regulated bodies; Regulatory impact assessments to include all relevant legal requirements to assess impacts; 18.3.6. Decision making and associated documentation and correspondence on issues with legal implications including regulatory decisions, consultations or engagement activities; 18.3.7. Case law precedent; 18.3.8. Risk mitigation; 18.3.9. Responding to potential or actual challenges to decisions or responding to investigations by other regulators; 18.3.10. Responding to complaints or whistleblowing; 18.3.11. Preparing for a judicial review or other and appointing individuals to act on behalf of the public body; 18.3.12. Options for enforcement action and advice on proportionality; 18.3.13. Reviewing relevant draft documentation; and 18.3.14. Working with other public bodies in Wales or other UK jurisdictions including other regulators. Lot 12: Construction law 19.2. Within this subject area, legal advice and services may be required in relation to, but not restricted to: 19.2.1. Construction frameworks and contracts; 19.2.2. PFI agreements; 19.2.3. School construction agreements; 19.2.4. Project documentation and industry forms; 19.2.5. Defects and warranties; 19.2.6. Development agreements; 19.2.7. Dispute resolution (mediation, adjudication, arbitration, litigation) 19.2.8. Building and planning regulations compliance; 19.2.9. Regulatory compliance; 19.2.10. Environmental and sustainability matters; 19.2.11. Procurement; 19.2.12. Insurance and bonding, (to include performance bonds); 19.2.13. Due diligence; 19.2.14. Construction-related insolvency; 19.2.15. Health and safety; 19.2.16. Parent company guarantees; 19.2.17. Policy fulfilment (e.g. modern slavery; and 19.2.18. Liquidated damages. Lot 14: Mutual Investment Model (MIM) Please see tender documents for further information Lot 13: Central Government advice (Welsh Government) Please see tender documents for further information.


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Welsh Government Commercial Delivery (WGCD)

Angharad Simmonds

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