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NCC1112 Walkergate Supported Housing Development



Northumberland County Council’s Extra Care and Supported Housing Strategy sets out the council’s commitment to increase the level and choice of supported accommodation for vulnerable adults across the county. To support the council in delivering this commitment there is a requirement to develop Affordable Rented self-contained apartments for people with a Learning Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or mental health condition in the Town Centre of Berwick. The Council is seeking to appoint a Provider to design, construct and manage the development of a suggested minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 self contained apartments for people with a learning disability, autism spectrum disorder and/or mental health condition inBerwick. The design needs to be flexible to accommodate the different potential client groups. The Council has no preference with respect to any client group using the scheme. The Provider’s services will have two components: - 1. A Contractor, to build out the site, and 2. A Registered Provider (i.e. an organisation registered with Regulator of Social Housing) as Landlord to manage the property. The above can be the same or two different organisations, but a single party (the Provider) is required to sign the contract, the successful Provider will be contractually responsible for the works and services. Support for the residents will be commissioned separately by the Council under the Council’s Specialist Services Framework. The Provider will not be required to commission the resident care services nor to subsequently manage the care provider, as this obligation will fall to the Council. Lot 1: The Provider’s services will have two components: - 1. A Contractor, to build out the site, and 2. A Registered Provider (i.e. an organisation registered with Regulator of Social Housing) as Landlord to manage the property. The above can be the same or two different organisations, but a single party (the Provider) is required to sign the contract, the successful Provider will be contractually responsible for the works and services. Support for the residents will be commissioned separately by the Council under the Council’s Specialist Services Framework. The Provider will not be required to commission the resident care services nor to subsequently manage the care provider, as this obligation will fall to the Council.


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a month ago

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Northumberland County Council

Mrs Kerry Davidson

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