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Provision of Eye Care Liaison Officer



This Direct Award will cover the employment of an Eye Care Liaison Officer to work within Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Ophthalmology Department. The role of the officer includes the following: - Supporting information to families, carers and patients - Assisting with sight registration process - Referral and signposting to external agencies i.e. Social Services, third sector organisations etc - Supporting clinicians within Ophthalmology CAVUHB - Current Sight Life employee runs their own clinic supported and overseen by Ophthalmology CAVUHB clinicians. This covers sight registration and general support. - Covering both Paediatrics and Adult Ophthalmology Lot 1: The Eye Care Liaison Officer employed with UHW Ophthalmology Department will be employed to deliver services in line with the Royal National Institute of Blind People Quality Framework and Practice guidelines, to people affected by sight loss, their friends, families and carers. The Officer will assist with all aspects of support and guidance to those at any stage of their sight loss journey, providing invaluable care to both Paediatric and Adult patients within the C&V Health Board areas. The contract will be let for a three-year period plus an additional two-year extension option, via this Voluntary Ex Ante Notice, allowing for direct award to the chosen supplier.


Publish date

a day ago

Award date

a day ago

Buyer information

NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership

Bethan Dyke

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