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School cleaning services



Trowbridge Office Cleaning Services Limited


1,875,000 GBP


The successful tenderer will be required to provide cleaning and security services to the whole of the Weston College Group. The Weston College Group is a recently established Multi Academy Trust (MAT) which includes currently the following properties where the successful contractor will be required to deliver a service and meet the requirements of the specification from the contract commencement. The various campuses within Weston College comprise of: — Knightstone Road Campus; — University Campus; — South West Skills Campus; — Law & Professional Services Academy; — Weston Bay Hotel; — Engineering; — Hans Price is the Conference and Events Centre; — Winter Gardens. Academies also within the Weston College Group currently include: — North Somerset Enterprise Technology College; — St Katherine's School; — Bristol Futures Academy. The contract being tendered is for 3 years in duration from 1.8.2017 until 31.7.2020, with the option to extend for a further term and will be fixed price in nature, with the Contractor invoicing the Client for one-twelfth of the annual cost on a monthly basis. However, please note that the contract at St Katherine's School will commence on 1.1.2017 and be for three years and seven months until 31.7.2020. The provision of security services is limited to a small number of campuses within the Weston College Group and will include a manned presence at various times of the day as detailed within the tender specification. It is believed there will be few campuses within the Weston College Group that require a security service moving into this contract period and the provision for these services will be included within the main specification for cleaning services. Further information is available in the procurement documents.


Award date

8 years ago

Publish date

8 years ago

Buyer information

Weston College

The Litmus Partnership Ltd

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