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HCC – Mar 25 - Preliminary Market Engagement (PME) for a Health Improvement IT System



Hertfordshire’s Healthy Communities and Places team, within the Public Health directorate of Hertfordshire County Council (Council), continues its commitment to the provision of lifestyle interventions to reduce premature death and disability from preventable diseases within the county. Our team focus will be on people who should make lifestyle changes and need in depth tailored behavioural support to improve their health. Hertfordshire Health Improvement Service (HHIS) delivers and sub-contracts high priority and statutory health and wellbeing services across the county, which includes specialist stop smoking services and NHS Health Checks. The current web-based databases in use by HHIS manages the data for all stop smoking and NHS Health Checks, which includes the use by the HHIS team and key commissioned providers of these services including community pharmacies and GP practices. HHIS therefore requires a clinical and reporting information system for the direct delivery of all three services: 1. Stop smoking services 2. NHS Health Checks 3. Sexual health services, including Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC), chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing (desirable) The key success driver for this project is the need for one robust and comprehensive database and workflow management system to meet the needs of Hertfordshire residents, who require stop smoking support and/or receive an NHS Health Check. The IT solution needs to provide the ability to receive and make onward referrals, an appointment booking system, individual case management recording, data storage, retrieval for performance management and reporting purposes and the ability to connect and upload Patient Identifiable Data (PID) and outcome information into GP clinical systems. The Council is carrying out PME in relation to this project. The Council will consider the feedback received to help inform the Council’s options, requirements and further decision making. For the avoidance of doubt, this stage of the project is not part of a formal procurement process and the Council is not committing, at this stage, to carrying out such a process. Participation or non-participation in the PME shall not prevent any supplier participating in a potential future procurement, nor is it intended that any information supplied as part of the PME shall place any supplier at an advantage in a potential procurement process. For further information, please see the PME Document and Questionnaire.


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Hertfordshire County Council

Public Health Commissioning Team

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