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Roads Services framework



A&R Services, Alan Mearns Electrical Ltd, Hunter Construction (Aberdeen) Limited, Leiths (Scotland) Ltd, Leiths (Scotland) Ltd, Markon Ltd, Hatton Traffic Management Ltd, Sunbelt Rentals Ltd, Glenmavis Traffic Management, Markon Ltd, Hatton Traffic Management Ltd, Highland Fencing & Barrier Contractors, John McGeady Ltd, Markon Ltd, J H Civil Engineering Ltd, Seivwright Brothers Ltd, john hay plant hire, Jim Ellis Plant Hire, D. Logie & Son, ASW Aberdeen Ltd, Leiths (Scotland) Ltd, John McGeady Ltd, ASW Aberdeen Ltd, J H Civil Engineering Ltd, Leiths (Scotland) Ltd, Seivwright Brothers Ltd, John McGeady Ltd, Markon Ltd, ASW Aberdeen Ltd, Leiths (Scotland) Ltd, FOSTER CONTRACTING (North) LIMITED, DAMM Environmental, nuphalt, John McGeady Ltd, Markon Ltd


1,099,999.94 GBP


Multi supplier framework to provide Aberdeen City Council support with delivering their road maintenance requirements. Framework will cover Street Lighting, Bridge and Coastal works, Civils Items, including hire plant and Miscellaneous items. Lot 2: Bridge Works Comprises works and services related to multiple bridges or bridges accesses maintenance or inspections across the Aberdeen City area Lot 3: Coastal Works Comprises works within the scope of the Aberdeen Beach and seawall maintenance remit Lot 4: Road Markings Specialist equipment/ teams are required to carry out road marking works around the Aberdeen City Area Lot 5: Traffic Management The supply of Temporary traffic signal and VMS equipment which is to be deployed with in the Aberdeen City Area as required. Lot 6: Safety Barrier Comprises of maintenance and replacement of safety barriers around the Aberdeen City Area Lot 7: Road Milling hiring of planer, operator, road sweeper and disposal of material to authorised facility for various planing operations in the Aberdeen City Area Lot 8: Excavators Hire of Excavators, including Operator, to carry out works in conjunction with Aberdeen City Council operatives on various Road works across the city area. Lot 9: Pavers Hire of Paver, operator and screwman for various resurfacing works in the Aberdeen City Area in conjunction with Aberdeen City Council Roads Operations teams. Lot 10: Haulage Hire of Emulsion application equipment for use in the Aberdeen City Council area Lot 11: Emulsion Application Hire of Emulsion application equipment for use in the Aberdeen City Council area Lot 12: Gully Tankers Hire of Gully Emptier vehicle including operator for use in the Aberdeen City Council area Lot 13: Jet Patcher Hire of Jet Patcher vehicle, including operator and patching material, for permanent repair of potholes in the Aberdeen City Council area. Lot 14: Slot Cutting Setting out, installation, testing and repair of inductive loop and feeder cables, in the Aberdeen City Council Area. Lot 15: Road Sweeper Hire of Road Sweeper vehicle including operator for use in the Aberdeen City Council area. Lot 1: Street Lighting The works comprise of various electrical works within the street lighting remit at various sites across the Aberdeen City area


Award date

5 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Aberdeen City Council


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