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Delivery Partner for IPOs Transformation Programme - Programme support



Summary of work The key areas of work that form this requirement are: Co-ordinate multiple workstream to meet transformation vision and objectives Provide Support of behalf of IPO's Programme Manager across the following areas: - Programme level Planning & Reporting - Service Owner and Product Management - Delivery Management support - General transformational support - Whilst providing Knowledge transfer to IPO staff members complementing the blended team to ensure staff have opportunity to become upskilled Where the supplied staff will work Wales Who the organisation using the products or services is Intellectual Property Office (IPO) Why the work is being done The IPO is undergoing an organisation wide Transformation Programme. The existing rights-based services and operating model are being replaced with a new, integrated, OneIPO way of working. Trademarks and Designs will be unified under a set of new Services and presented to users via an authenticated user account. IPO are looking for an embedded Client Side Programme Support team to assist in the undertaking of IPO transformation Programme covering capabilities such as Leadership Support, PMO (inc delivery management support) , Technical Support, Service Owner Support, Business Support, general programme support and strategic level stakeholder management and engagement. The business problem To support IPOs transformation programme, it is envisaged that a client side programme support partner will form part of a blended team and bring valuable expertise and experience within specific capability areas in order to deliver outcomes, provide IPO with the best possible opportunity to deliver its objectives, realise the benefits that have been defined within IPOs investment case whilst the programme gets delivered to the right timescale, cost and quality. The role of the Programme Support partner is also to act as a trusted intermediary ensuring collaborative relationships between the whole supplier eco system and themselves as the client. The people who will use the product or service User type: IPO Transformation Programme Definition: As a programme Board we require a support partner to deliver outcomes which contribute, support and complement deliverables produced by the eco system of suppliers so that we can successfully enable delivery of the overall programme. Any pre-market engagement done The IPO published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) on the 16th December 2022. The IPO also held a supplier market engagement event on the 06th February 2023. Work done so far This phase of work for the One IPO Transformation Programme will build upon the activity executed in Phase 1 of the Programme. Phase 1 delivered transformed services to manage patents including the provision of a new customer account for our customers to manage their IP. Work undertaken to support Phase 1 delivery also included definition of the programme governance and reporting structures, design and establishment of the relevant design authorities and also creation of the relevant business cases to support future phases of the programme. Which phase the project is in Beta Existing team The successful supplier will be working within a blended team of IPO staff and various suppliers across a number of projects within the Programme. IPO supplied staff is a mixture of permanent and augmented resources. Address where the work will be done Intellectual Property Office, Cardiff Road, Newport, NP10 8QQ Working arrangements Supplier resources will work as part of a blended delivery team, working remotely using IPO supplied equipment, Monday-Friday usual office hours. There is an expectation that staff will be prepared to work onsite around any business need (such as centralised planning events) and more flexibility may be arranged by mutual agreement after an initial onboarding process. We expect team(s) to reflect the roles and capabilities listed in the Essential Skills section. Team(s) will work within a tailored Agile delivery methodology that meets the needs of IPO and the full delivery team working on the programme. Security and vetting requirements Security Check (SC) More information about the Security requirements: Given the sensitive nature of the data supplier personnel may have access to, SC clearance is expected to be required for all supplier personnel. IPO is able to support the SC Clearance process if necessary. Upon assessment of the proposed Supplier delivery team by the IPO there may be certain roles that are not considered to require SC clearance. In the first instance however, Suppliers should work on the assumption that all roles require SC clearance and should not propose personnel that are not capable of achieving this. Latest start date 4 September 2023 Expected contract length Contract length: 2 years 0 months 0 days Optional extension: 1 years 0 months 0 days Budget Indicative maximum: The contract value is not specified by the buyer Indicative minimum: The contract value is not specified by the buyer Contracted out service or supply of resource? Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply Questions and Clarifications 1. Hello, in response to the statement on the slide deck - "IPO are also currently tendering for a Strategic Delivery Partner in the same timeframe. It is only possible to bid for one of these opportunities." Are you able to confirm that the procurement route for the Strategic Delivery Partner is through DOS6 or are you using a different framework? If so, which one? Strategic Delivery Partner is being procured through RM6100 Technology Services 3 Last Updated : <strong>04/04/2023</strong> 2. Please could you confirm the duration of the requirement - is it 1 year or 2 years? We have an initial term of 24 months with an option for 12month extension. The initial SOW is expected to be 19months duration. Last Updated : <strong>04/04/2023</strong> 3. We would like to take this opportunity through our formal qualification process, so would like to ask if you could please provide an indication of budget? If you could come back to us at your earliest convenience it would be much appreciated. For this ITT the IPO will not be sharing budget information and are seeking competitive bids from the marketplace. Last Updated : <strong>04/04/2023</strong> 4. IPO are also currently tendering for a Strategic Deliver Partner in the same timeframe. It is only possible to bid for one of these opportunities.' Could you please point us to the tender for this Strategic delivery opportunity? We were not able to find it on this platform The opportunity is on RM6100 Technology Services 3 Last Updated : <strong>04/04/2023</strong> 5. Please could you give any indication of available budget and anticipated team sizes for this work? Can you confirm whether this opportunity is suitable for SMEs? Please can you advise on the blend of technical IT system knowledge required vs business change and general transformation support? The IPO will not be providing budget value as part of ITT. The IPO would be more comfortable with a single supplier and are open to SMEs bidding. The IPO are looking for options from suppliers as to how the outcomes could be delivered. Within the ITT documentation the IPO have provided clarification around capabilities required and are looking for the Supplier to make a recommendation on its blend. Last Updated : <strong>04/04/2023</strong> 6. Did any organisation support the IPO during the delivery of Phase 1 and, if so, which organisation? Yes Empyrean Digital Last Updated : <strong>05/04/2023</strong> 7. Please can we confirm that you are in the shortlisting phase of this Digital Outcomes 6 requirement, and therefore require 100-word answers to the Essential Skills and Experience, and Nice-to-have Skills and Experience? Will these be published via the Digital Outcomes 6 portal, and if yes when? Yes this is the shortlisting phase and the requirements for this have been already published as part of this event. Last Updated : <strong>05/04/2023</strong> 8. What is the purpose of these messages, they don't redirect to anything...? Message: The questions and answers for this project have been updated. You can access this, and any future updates, using the following link: If you are already authenticated, you will be able to see this page. If not, you will need to authenticate through the Public Procurement Gateway before being able to access the page. The purpose is to share clarifications and responses with potential bidders. Last Updated : <strong>05/04/2023</strong> 9. With respect to your Summary of work in Attachment 1 (Page 2). Could you please clarify the nature of the support roles? • What is the nature of the Service Owner and Product Management roles (roles and responsibilities of each)? and • Is it the expectation of the partner to provide technical capability to deliver the transformed platform and technical services? In regard to questions 1 and 2 role responsibilities please refer to supporting information slides 20-21. It is not the expectation that the Programme Support Supplier will deliver the transformed platform and technical services but the Supplier will provide delivery management support and assurance requiring a level of technical capability. Last Updated : <strong>11/04/2023</strong> 10. If we onboard CTC contractors is that permissable and can IPO help us to achieve SC clearance? Or is the IPO requiring that before start of contract personnel already hold SC clearance? Given the sensitive nature of the data supplier personnel may have access to, SC clearance is expected to be required for all supplier personnel. IPO is able to support the SC Clearance process if necessary. Upon assessment of the proposed Supplier delivery team by the IPO there may be certain roles that are not considered to require SC clearance. In the first instance however, Suppliers should work on the assumption that all roles require SC clearance and should not propose personnel that are not capable of achieving this Last Updated : <strong>11/04/2023</strong> 11. You have asked: “what will be your Implementation Plan in the first 30 days?” What level of detail are you expecting as we can’t define a plan against the level of detail contained in the proposal You have also asked us to "provide the rationale behind the team structure you would propose for this engagement, including details of each role and their respective competencies.” What would be your suggestion for how we do this when you have asked for broad programme support within a multi-supplier environment? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. We are not expecting suppliers to respond to this question at this stage of the procurement. Suppliers are only expected to respond to the Essential and Nice to have skills and experience questions at this stage. Further detail will be provided to Suppliers who are shortlisted. Last Updated : <strong>11/04/2023</strong> 12. Given your response to questions 7 and 11, are you planning to publish the Essential and Nice to Have Skill requirements through the Digital Marketplace? As this requirement is being tendered under the RM1043.8 – Digital Outcomes 6 framework, it is being conducted via the Contract Award Service (CAS) portal. The Digital Marketplace was for use under the Digital Outcomes & Specialists 5 framework. The essential and nice to have skills and experience were published as part of the original opportunity on 03rd April 2023 via the CAS portal. In the event Suppliers require further assistance in accessing details of the opportunity or how they should respond, we will endeavour to assist but we suggest that in the first instance you contact Crown Commercial Services (CCS) as providers of the CAS who will be more familiar with the ‘Supplier side’ elements of the portal and how to access information and respond to opportunities. Last Updated : <strong>12/04/2023</strong> 13. Hi, can you advise if the "750 character count" for the responses, includes 'a space' as a character, or is the 750 the actual visible characters on each answer? The character count for responses does not include spaces and is only the visible characters on each answer. Last Updated : <strong>12/04/2023</strong> 14. Are there actually any questions and answers or are these message sent in error, because the link doesn't take you anywhere....? " Message The questions and answers for this project have been updated. You can access this, and any future updates, using the following link: If you are already authenticated, you will be able to see this page. If not, you will need to authenticate through the Public Procurement Gateway before being able to access the page. " These messages are not sent in error and are the result of an updated set of clarification questions and answers. We have used the link you have shared and it takes to you a page providing a summary of all of the clarification questions received and their subsequent answers. As per the above message could you please ensure that you have correctly authenticated yourselves through the Public Procurement Gateway as this may be the cause of the problem. If you require any assistance in doing this, or this does not resolve the issue, we suggest that in the first instance you contact Crown Commercial Services (CCS) as providers of the Contract Awards Service portal who will be more familiar with the ‘Supplier side’ elements of the portal and how to access information and respond to opportunities. Last Updated : <strong>12/04/2023</strong> 15. Good afternoon, we haven't express interest in this opportunity but we keep getting update messages, which I believe are confidential! Could you please remove us from the circulation list. Thank you As this requirement is being tendered via the Digital Outcomes 6 framework, all registered suppliers will receive the opportunity and associated correspondence when it is published on the Contract Award Service (CAS) portal. As such there is no ‘Expression of Interest’ stage of the procurement process and you will continue to receive these opportunities and associated clarifications whilst you remain a registered Supplier on the Digital Outcomes 6 framework and the CAS portal. If you decline to participate in this opportunity, via the CAS portal, we believe this would remove you from the process and you would no longer receive these messages. If this does not remedy the issue we would suggest you contact Crown Commercial Services (CCS) who may be able to assist further as managers of the CAS portal. Last Updated : <strong>12/04/2023</strong> 16. Please could you confirm whether a team which already holds SC clearnace would score higher than a team which would need to be put through SC clearance? We can confirm that a team that already holds SC clearance would not score higher than a team which would need to be put through SC clearance. However, as stated in the published requirements any resources proposed must be capable of achieving SC clearance and robust assurances would need to be provided that this is the case. Last Updated : <strong>12/04/2023</strong> 17. Hello. We understand that Empyrean Digital is the incumbent. Can you confirm whether they have any information as to the likely budgetary envelope or range for this contract? If so are you able to share that information, please, so we can have a level playing field. The budget envelope for this requirement has not been shared with the incumbent supplier and they have not been party to the drafting of the business case for this requirement. All Suppliers will be evaluated equally against the criteria published in the original opportunity and the proposal representing best value for money against all criteria will be selected. Last Updated : <strong>12/04/2023</strong> 18. Hello, Are you able to confirm whether the incumbent - Empyrean Digital - is intending to apply for this opportunity or for the Strategic Delivery Partner opportunity? The incumbent Supplier, Empyrean Digital, are on Lot 1 of Digital Outcomes 6 and can therefore respond to this opportunity should they wish to do so. With regards to the Strategic Delivery Partner requirement the tender process for this is currently in progress under the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) framework RM6100 - Technology Services 3, we can therefore not confirm which Suppliers have, or have not, submitted a response. Last Updated : <strong>12/04/2023</strong> 19. Hello, Are you able to confirm whether the incumbent - Empyrean Digital - is intending to apply for this opportunity or for the Strategic Delivery Partner opportunity? The incumbent Supplier, Empyrean Digital, are on Lot 1 of Digital Outcomes 6 and can therefore respond to this opportunity should they wish to do so. With regards to the Strategic Delivery Partner requirement the tender process for this is currently in progress under the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) framework RM6100 - Technology Services 3, we can therefore not confirm which Suppliers have, or have not, submitted a response. Last Updated : <strong>12/04/2023</strong> 20. Please can you confirm whether we are permitted to use our own template for submission or whether we should submit our responses using the 'Attachment 3 Template' provided in the bid pack? Suppliers should submit their responses using the 'Attachment 3 Template' provided in the bid pack. Last Updated : <strong>18/04/2023</strong> 21. Are we permitted to convert our response to PDF format or would you prefer to receive responses in Word? Suppliers should submit their responses in Word format. Last Updated : <strong>18/04/2023</strong> 22. Noticed that upon full review and collation of responses that there is no template to follow for commercial views or Scope/Scale to correctly forecast pricing to IPO for this over the course of each year. In light of submission tomorrow, can you please update me as a matter of urgency here. Thanks Suppliers are not required to provide commercial views or to forecast pricing at this stage of the procurement process. Suppliers are only required to provide responses to the Essential and Nice to Have Skills and Experiences using the 'Attachment 3 Template' provided in the bid pack. Last Updated : <strong>19/04/2023</strong>


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