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Industrial Painting Services Framework



GABE IRE Ltd, JS McCarthy Ltd, KAEFER Ltd, GABE IRE Ltd, JS McCarthy Ltd, KAEFER Ltd, GABE IRE Ltd, JS McCarthy Ltd, KAEFER Ltd, Altrad Services (Ireland) Ltd, GABE IRE Ltd, JS McCarthy Ltd


The Contracting Entity intends to procure a Framework Agreement for the provision of Industrial Painting Services to ESB Generating Stations. The Framework will be divided into 5 Lots. It is proposed that the Framework will include (but not be limited to) a broad range of painting requirements ranging from standard painting tasks to more complex painting requirements on steel works, such as blast cleaning, specialist surface preparation eg. safe removal of lead paint etc and may require more complex access arrangements in some instances. The scope of work will vary from location to location and with the nature of the specific task. This is a high level description of the services required. Lot 1: North Region The Contracting Entity intends to procure a Framework Agreement for the provision of Industrial Painting Services to ESB Generating Stations. The Framework will be divided into 5 Lots. It is proposed that the Framework will include (but not be limited to) a broad range of painting requirements ranging from standard painting tasks to more complex painting requirements on steel works, such as blast cleaning, specialist surface preparation eg. safe removal of lead paint etc and may require more complex access arrangements in some instances. The scope of work will vary from location to location and with the nature of the specific task. This is a high level description of the services required. Lot 2: South Region The Contracting Entity intends to procure a Framework Agreement for the provision of Industrial Painting Services to ESB Generating Stations. The Framework will be divided into 5 Lots. It is proposed that the Framework will include (but not be limited to) a broad range of painting requirements ranging from standard painting tasks to more complex painting requirements on steel works, such as blast cleaning, specialist surface preparation eg. safe removal of lead paint etc and may require more complex access arrangements in some instances. The scope of work will vary from location to location and with the nature of the specific task. This is a high level description of the services required. Lot 3: East Region The Contracting Entity intends to procure a Framework Agreement for the provision of Industrial Painting Services to ESB Generating Stations. The Framework will be divided into 5 Lots. It is proposed that the Framework will include (but not be limited to) a broad range of painting requirements ranging from standard painting tasks to more complex painting requirements on steel works, such as blast cleaning, specialist surface preparation eg. safe removal of lead paint etc and may require more complex access arrangements in some instances. The scope of work will vary from location to location and with the nature of the specific task. This is a high level description of the services required. Lot 4: West Region The Contracting Entity intends to procure a Framework Agreement for the provision of Industrial Painting Services to ESB Generating Stations. The Framework will be divided into 5 Lots. It is proposed that the Framework will include (but not be limited to) a broad range of painting requirements ranging from standard painting tasks to more complex painting requirements on steel works, such as blast cleaning, specialist surface preparation eg. safe removal of lead paint etc and may require more complex access arrangements in some instances. The scope of work will vary from location to location and with the nature of the specific task. This is a high level description of the services required. Lot 5: All Island The Contracting Entity intends to procure a Framework Agreement for the provision of Industrial Painting Services to ESB Generating Stations. The Framework will be divided into 5 Lots. It is proposed that the Framework will include (but not be limited to) a broad range of painting requirements ranging from standard painting tasks to more complex painting requirements on steel works, such as blast cleaning, specialist surface preparation eg. safe removal of lead paint etc and may require more complex access arrangements in some instances. The scope of work will vary from location to location and with the nature of the specific task. This is a high level description of the services required. During the procurement process it became apparent that Lot 5 would not be a feature of this Framework and tenderers were advised accordingly.


Publish date

a year ago

Award date

a year ago

Buyer information

Electricity Supply Board (ESB)

Geraldine Carmody

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