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L24088-T-TC - Noise and Track Monitoring System



360,000 GBP


London Luton Airport is seeking noise monitoring equipment for three fixed noise monitor terminals and software to support the monitoring of noise and track of aircraft operating at LLA. The software should also have a web based platform for public monitoring of noise and tracks. The software must have a complaints monitoring system to be used by LLA. The specific description of each of these requirements is listed in the tender documents. Please see tender documents for more information Additional information: Prospective contractors must be able to demonstrate previous experience of similar work and be prepared to provide references. Applications are welcome from single organisations or consortia from the public, private and voluntary/community sector. To access this or any other LLA open tender advert and to view the necessary tendering documents and express your interest, please visit the LLA e-Tendering Portal at: All tender opportunities can be found under the Tenders link in the grey bar just below the LLA logo banner. If this is your first time using this portal, you will need to register in order to Express Interest by clicking the Register link also located in the grey bar or via the yellow Register button to the left on the Home Screen. If you are already registered on the LLA e-Tendering portal simply enter your details and login as usual. During registration, simply complete the information required on the three areas Company Details, Business Classifications and Company Categories. Once completed, click the Register My Company button located at the bottom. Please note you must express an interest through this portal in order to be attached to the tender project. After expressing interest and reviewing any tender documents, in order to progress you will also be asked whether or not you wish to Opt In or Opt Out of the process and click the appropriate button. Doing so will indicate to the buyers your intention to either make a submission or not and allow you to progress. Once you have opted in, you will be able to submit a response and use the Correspondence facility to ask any tender related questions. We accept no liability if you have not expressed an interest in the tender. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Publish date

6 months ago

Close date

5 months ago

Buyer information

Luton Council

Tracey Constantinides

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