Invitation to Tender for Building Statutory Compliance Works, Planned and Reactive Maintenance, and Minor Works Framework
This is a joint procurement exercise undertaken by South Ribble Borough Council, Chorley Borough Council, South Ribble Leisure Company and Chorley Leisure Company (Contract Authorities/CA). The Contracting Authorities have a continuing requirement for the provision of reactive and planned improvement works across the Authorities portfolio. The aim of this framework is to ensure statutory compliance and efficient maintenance of assets, including reactive repair and maintenance, and planned minor/improvement works that attain a high level of customer satisfaction. The framework will be broken up into 13 lots. Three bidders will be awarded per lot. The maximum number of successful bidders in each Lot may increase where two (2) or more bidders have tied scores. A Bidding Organisation can only be awarded on a maximum of two lots, except where a lot would otherwise have fewer than 2 (two) successful bidders. If you are bidding for more than two lots please state in your submission your ranked preference of lots (on the return Document 3 CAS); in a situation whereby a bidder(s) score would mean they would otherwise by awarded on more than two lots The Contracting Authority will use this ranked preference list to determine the two lots the Bidder is to be awarded on. The number one ranked supplier in the lot will be awarded the servicing/call out element of the contract, the other two suppliers will be eligible to compete for higher-value projects throughout the lifecycle of the framework. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to use the second and/or third ranked contractor within the lot for service/call out element if they deem it necessary due to poor performance or capacity issues from the number one ranked contractor. In instances of extreme urgency (i.e. Health and Safety issues) The Contracting Authority reserves the right to Direct Award higher value projects to the number one ranked supplier if deemed necessary. This is detailed further in document 4 (Specification). Lot 1 Building Fabric Lot2- Mechanical Gas Safety and Mechanical Lot 3 – Electrical Lot 4 - Air Conditioning HVAC Lot 5 - Legionella Lot 6 – Fire and Security Lot 7 – Asbestos Lot 8 – Drainage and Civils Lot 9 – Lift Maintenance Lot 10 - Pool Maintenance Lot 11 – Principal Contractor Lot 12 – Roof and Gutter Maintenance Lot 13 - Distress alarms Maintenance Please note we will be offering two opportunities for guided site visits. Unfortunately, due to how large the estate is we will not be able to show the entire portfolio, but key buildings will be shown to give a flavour of the estate. As part of this open day The Contract Authority will also give a debrief on the tender process and overview of the tender portals (The Chest and The Social Value Portal). Both days will have the same agenda and presentations. To gain access to this site day and to receive full details of meeting point/times etc, please confirm your attendance with the name, email address and job title of the attendee (s) via the messaging portal on The Chest. 28th of Nov 2nd of Dec Please note you will not be added to the visitor list without confirming attendee details via The Chest The tender pack sets out the specific quality requirements for the service that need to be addressed to ensure a high degree of customer satisfaction. Please refer the tender documentation for a detailed overview of the requirements. To access the tender pack please go to and select 'current opportunities' on the left hand side menu, and chose the South Ribble Borough Council option under the 'organisations' filter. Lot 1: Lot 1 Building Fabric The primary purpose of this Lot is to provide a mechanism for carrying out building fabric maintenance work, including reactive repairs and planned small works or projects, such as alterations or renovations. It will also include any reactive maintenance or alteration work that may be required. Project work valued up to GBP £500,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Mechanical Gas Safety and Mechanical The Contracting Authorities wish to appoint up to three Mechanical contractors who are suitably qualified and experienced. This Lot will be used for (but not be limited to) the delivery of servicing, responsive maintenance and undertaking annual Landlord’s Gas Safety Records (LGSR) heating safety checks, servicing, and responsive repairs for domestic and commercial gas heating installations, and ad-hoc replacement of boilers, heating systems Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 3: Lot 3 – Electrical The services to be covered by this contract will include but not be limited to Preventive Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance & Repairs, Energy Efficiency and Upgrades. Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 4: Lot 4 - Air Conditioning HVAC The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint up to three Air Conditioning / HVAC specialist contractors. REFCOM accreditation is a requirement. The services to be covered by this contract will include but not be limited to Preventive Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance & Repairs, Compliance Checks. Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 5: Lot 5 - Legionella The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint up to three specialist contractors. The services to be covered by this contract will include but not be limited to Preventive Maintenance, Risk Assessment and Review, Corrective Maintenance & Repairs, Compliance Checks. Project work valued up to GBP £100,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 6: Lot 6 – Fire and Security The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint up to three Fire Safety and Security Systems contractors. The services to be covered by this contract will include but not be limited to Preventive Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance & Repairs, Compliance Checks and testing. Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 7: Lot 7 – Asbestos The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint up to three asbestos contractors. The contract will cover (but not be limited) a full range of asbestos-related services, including: - Asbestos Surveying - Asbestos Testing (Bulk Sampling and Air Monitoring) - Asbestos Encapsulation - Asbestos Removal and Disposal Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 8: Lot 8 – Drainage and Civils The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint a contract for the provision of drainage maintenance Services and minor works to pathways, landscaping, car parks and highways. The services to be covered by this contract will include but not be limited to Preventive Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance & Repairs, Planned Maintenance and Reactive Civil Works. Project work valued up to GBP £500,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 9: Lot 9 – Lift Maintenance The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint a contract for the provision of service and maintenance works of its passenger and mobility lifts. The services to be covered by this contract will include but not be limited to Preventive Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance & Repairs, Planned Maintenance and Reactive Works. Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 10: Lot 10 – Pool Maintenance The lot will cover (but not be limited to) the Repair, Maintenance, Periodic Inspection and Servicing of Swimming Pool Systems and Plant. Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 11: Lot 11 – Principal Contractor Multi-disciplinary internal / external improvement works that may include multiple elements of Lots 1 – 13 of the frameworks plus additional non-defined works related to the maintenance, improvement and repair of properties including but not limiting painting and decorating, general refurbishment requirements, joinery requirements etc. Project work valued up to GBP £500,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 12: Lot 12 – Roof and Gutter Maintenance The Contract will cover (but not be limited to) the repair and maintenance of roofs across The Contracting Authorities operational and investment estate. Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements. Lot 13: Lot 13 Distress alarms Maintenance (Service applicable to The Leisure Company’s only) South Ribble Leisure Company and Chorley Leisure Company wish to appoint a contractor (s) for the service, repair, and maintenance of distress alarms across both Councils operational and investment estate: • Pool Drowning Alarm systems • Gym Emergency Alarm system • Emergency Pull cord systems • Front of House Panic Alarm systems Project work valued up to GBP £250,000 per project, excluding VAT may also be procured via this lot. There will be a direct award option, as well as a further competition option once the lot is awarded. Please refer to the tender documentation for the detailed overview of the requirements.
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