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18/044 - A Qualification System For The Provision Of Specialised Construction Services For GNI



Please note this is only a notification of our current competition which is live on Etenders - OJEU number 2018/S 188-425779. Please note if you are interested in submitting a response do so under the following Tender Ref - 18/044 - Specialised Construction Services This Qualification System will be designed to allow for the assembly of a multi-supplier Specialised Construction Services Qualification System with competent entities with capabilities in one or more of the 7 lots. For each of the 7 lots in scope, each Qualified Applicant will be required to have the competence to carry out the relevant services within or in the vicinity of a live gas environment, including within hazardous or potentially hazardous areas (ATEX zones 0 to 3). The Specialised Construction Services Qualification System will be used to supervise works on the gas transmission (Tx) and distribution (Dx) networks owned and/or operated by Gas Networks Ireland and its subsidiary GNI (UK) Ltd in Ireland, Northern Ireland and in Scotland as the case may be. Lot 1- Site Supervision General Pipeline Engineering (Tx). Lot 2 – Mechanical Supervision (incl Welding Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)) (Tx). Lot 3 – Painting/Coating Inspection (New Build and Maintenance) (Tx). Lot 4 – Site Supervision Civils – Excavation, Backfill and Reinstatement (Tx and Dx). Lot 5 – Site Supervision (Dx). Lot 6 – No longer in use Lot 7 - Senior Mechanical Quality Co-ordinator (incl Welding, Materials and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT))(Tx). Please note this is only a notification of our current competition which is live on Etenders - OJEU number 2018/S 188-425779. Please note if you are interested in submitting a response do so under the following Tender Ref - 18/044 - Specialised Construction Services This Qualification System will be designed to allow for the assembly of a multi-supplier Specialised Construction Services Qualification System with competent entities with capabilities in one or more of the 7 lots. For each of the 7 lots in scope, each Qualified Applicant will be required to have the competence to carry out the relevant services within or in the vicinity of a live gas environment, including within hazardous or potentially hazardous areas (ATEX zones 0 to 3). The Specialised Construction Services Qualification System will be used to supervise works on the gas transmission (Tx) and distribution (Dx) networks owned and/or operated by Gas Networks Ireland and its subsidiary GNI (UK) Ltd in Ireland, Northern Ireland and in Scotland as the case may be. Lot 1- Site Supervision General Pipeline Engineering (Tx). Lot 2 – Mechanical Supervision (incl Welding Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)) (Tx). Lot 3 – Painting/Coating Inspection (New Build and Maintenance) (Tx). Lot 4 – Site Supervision Civils – Excavation, Backfill and Reinstatement (Tx and Dx). Lot 5 – Site Supervision (Dx). Lot 6 – No longer in use Lot 7 - Senior Mechanical Quality Co-ordinator (incl Welding, Materials and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT))(Tx).


Publish date

6 months ago

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Gas Networks Ireland

Gas Networks Ireland

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