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Integrated Community Gynaecology Service



The Gynaecology Partnership Ltd is an incumbent provider in HWE ICB in South and West Herts (SWH) place since 2018 and delivers a good quality, timely service to SWH patients. The service is integrally linked with all existing Trusts in the SWH area. The contract award will enable continuity of a high quality service provision which is integrated with primary care, the adult community service and local Trusts. The Gynaecology Partnership Ltd works together with local system partners in a collaborative way following the pathways which have been agreed by all local Trust gynaecology clinical leads in SWH place. <br/>This service delivers an Integrated Gynaecology Service for patients with non-emergency gynaecology conditions across all four localities in South and West Herts place. This specialist community model is provided and led from a multi-disciplinary hub, enabling specialist assessment of patients in the community and quicker access to multi-disciplinary team assessment, diagnostics, and treatments, with choice of an elective care provider if an onward referral is needed, which can be direct listed following patient choice. The service focuses on clearly defined clinical pathways, offers GP support, advice and guidance and education.<br/>As per the PSR direct award process C requirements, the existing provider is satisfying the existing contract, delivering a good service, meeting all KPIs, with no quality concerns and good outcomes with very good feedback from GPs and patients and HWE ICB are satisfied that the incumbent Provider is likely to satisfy the new contract. The proposed contracting arrangements are not changing from the existing contract. Lot 1: The Five Year Forward View set out an ambition to deliver more healthcare out of acute hospitals and closer to home, with the aim of providing better care for patients, reducing the number of unplanned bed days in hospital, and reducing net costs. To achieve this objective, the organisation previously known as NHS Herts Valleys CCG (HVCCG) commissioned a range of community services from the independent sector and NHS providers. The contract between HVCCG and the Gynaecology Partnership Ltd was entered into from 1 April 2018 following a due diligence process. The community gynaecology service has successfully delivered gynaecology clinics across all four localities in south and west Hertfordshire. The contract is due to expire 31 March 2025. <br/><br/>The Gynaecology Partnership Ltd has subcontracts with West Herts Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (WHTHT), Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. The service operates between primary care, community, and secondary care services to provide specialist assessment, treatment, non-complex procedures, and direct listing of appropriate onward referrals to secondary care. The service excludes 2-week cancer referrals, inpatient elective, and non-elective care. The service has training sessions within community clinics for gynaecology registrars at WHTHT to support future gynaecology workforce training and development.<br/><br/>This service also supports the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme which incorporates the High Volume Low Complexity programme of which Gynaecology is one of the six surgical specialties. The GIRFT HVLC programme is a key element of the wider NHS Elective Recovery programme to adopt best practice, ensure equity of access and ensure continuous improvement. The current service is achieving good outcomes, timely appointments and treatment for patients and is highly commended by the GIRFT (Getting it Right First Time) Gynaecology leads in the East of England regional improvement team as showing positive impacts on the main local Acute trust in SHW place. The service is integrated with local Trusts to enable direct listing following patient choice and thus it is believed that they are best placed to continue to provide the service.<br/><br/>The contract has been in place with The Gynaecology Partnership since April 2018 with a cumulative contract value to 31st March 2025 of £12,957,682.<br/><br/>The new contract will be from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2028 for three years, with the option to extend for a further two years from 1 April 2028 to 31 March 2030.<br/><br/>The maximum value of the new contract is £1,991,449 per annum. Should the optional extension be used, the maximum contract value for the 5-year period is £9,957,246.


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3 months ago

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NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board

Mark Fordham

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