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Children and Young People's Counselling Services for NHS Mid and South Essex ICB - Confirmation of Award



This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) confirmation of contract award notice. This contract has been awarded under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. This contract has now been formally awarded using the competitive process based on a framework agreement. This is a Contract Award Notice to communicate a contract award made by the Contracting Authority; NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board, (hereinafter referred to as "the Authority") in compliance with their local standing financial instructions (SFIs). The contract award is made, on the date of publication of this notice, to Kids Inspire for the provision of Children and Young People's Counselling Service across Mid and South Essex. This award is made through a call-off from the Authority's Voluntary and Community Sector Organisation's (VCSO) Pseudo-Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) Framework. The process comprised of the following stages: • Stage 1 - Selection from the framework- to ensure bidders had the appropriate capability, skills and capacity to deliver the service, resulting in a list of qualified providers to progress to Stage 2. • Stage 2 - Invitation to Participate - the identified providers at stage one were invited to participate in the process and tender packs sent out for them to formerly express interesting the ICB's desired award criteria, resulting in the selection of a preferred bidder for contract award. • Stage 3 - Assessment and Recommendation - Assessment of bids received and evaluation and moderation process against key criteria mandated within the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 for competitive processes. The contract term is 24 months, commencing 1st April 2025 and expiring on 31st March 2027, at a total aggregate Contract Value of £1,168,600.00. The Authority is publishing this Contract Award Notice in Find a Tender Service in accordance with the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. Lot 1: NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) published their Joint Forward Plan (2024-2029) where the mental health vision is to promote good emotional and mental health for everyone, reduce health inequalities and to improve life outcomes for those with mental ill health, enabling them to recover and live well. To improve mental health services, recognising the increased pressure facing today’s Children and Young People and the associated impact that this is having on demand for services. Mid & South Essex ICB working in partnership with education and the voluntary sector, have looked at finding ways to increase support through prevention and early intervention initiatives that also address the health inequalities facing children and young people in the MSE communities. The contract award is made to Kids Inspire for the provision of Children and Young People's Counselling Service across Mid and South Essex. This award is made through a call-off from the Authority's Voluntary and Community Sector Organisation's (VCSO) Pseudo-Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) Framework. The process comprised of the following stages: • Stage 1 – Selection from the framework– to ensure bidders had the appropriate capability, skills and capacity to deliver the service, resulting in a list of qualified providers to progress to Stage 2. • Stage 2 – Invitation to Participate – the identified providers at stage one were invited to participate in the process and tender packs sent out for them to formerly express interesting the ICB’s desired award criteria, resulting in the selection of a preferred bidder for contract award. • Stage 3 – Assessment and Recommendation – Assessment of bids received and evaluation and moderation process against key criteria mandated within the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 for competitive processes. The contract term is 24 months, commencing 1st April 2025 and expiring on 31st March 2027, at a total aggregate Contract Value of £1,168,600.00. The Authority is publishing this Contract Award Notice in Find a Tender Service in accordance with the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023.


Publish date

3 months ago

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NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board

Bilal Tabasum

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