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Tender for the Receipt, Processing and Recovery of Waste Materials (including Energy from Waste)



Bristol Waste Company is seeking to award a Contract for the Receipt, Processing and Recovery of Waste Materials (Energy from Waste) for an Initial Term of 2 years with an option for BWC to extend the Contract on one or more occasions up to a further 3 years. The Contract is for waste collected from Bristol Waste Company from businesses across the local areas as per existing commercial contracts requirements. Lot 1: The Contract is for the receipt, processing and recovery services of waste (Energy from Waste) collected from Bristol Waste Company from businesses across the local areas as per existing commercial contracts requirements. The Service Provider will be deemed to have made all necessary arrangements and obtained all necessary permissions and licences for the receipt, processing and recovery of waste in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. The Service Provider will be required to demonstrate that such arrangements have been made and permissions and licences have been obtained. These are the types of waste in scope for this contract: 1. Black bag type waste from municipal sources consigned on EWC code 20 2. Shredded waste from municipal sources consigned on EWC code 19 12 10. Please note there are 2 types of waste to be coded under this code – 19 12 10 including Persistent Organic Pollutants (Pops) material and 19 12 10 not including Pops material. 3. Mechanically treated waste consigned on EWC code 19 12 12 Contract Waste Specification a) Indicative volumes of Contract Waste for the first Contract Year are anticipated to be 16,000 tonnes. This is indicative volume and could reduce by half over the initial term or subsequent extension due to natural waste changes and / or legislative changes. b) Three months prior to the end of any Contract Year both parties shall agree indicative volumes of Contract Waste for the following Contract Year c) Contract Waste will either be delivered by BWC to the Delivery Site or collected by the Service Provider at the Customer’s Collection Site. d) If the Service Provider will not be able to receive and process the Contract Waste then, the service provider will need to make all the necessary arrangements for an alternative processing service at a different location at the service provider’s cost. The service provider will need to cover any additional cost incurred by the Customer as a result of the volume being processed by another provider / in another location.


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Bristol Waste Company

Mrs Melina Woollon

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