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MARKET ENGAGEMENT EVENT - DIRECT PAYMENTS (This is not a call for competition)



MARKET ENGAGEMENT EVENT - DIRECT PAYMENTS This is not a call for competition. We would like to bring your attention to an exciting new opportunity that can help shape the future of the direct payments service within the Borough of Croydon. We are holding a bidder's open event and presentation on the Thursday 25 July 2024 and we would greatly appreciate your attendance and contribution as our options evolve. The Council are looking to commission a provider(s) to work in partnership to deliver a direct payment offer that will support both service-users and Adult Social Care officers to ensure the statutory obligations are met. This event is designed to offer opportunities to explore and shape the future delivery mechanism, with an aim to create into the service specification. The Bidder's Event details: Date: Thursday 25 July 2024 Time: 10.00 am - 11.00 am Location: Via Teams Please register your interest to attend by clicking on the express your interest button, and send us a message via the correspondence area including the following details: The name of your organisation The name and job title of the delegates The email addresses of the delegates. Additional information: Croydon Council requests for information MARKET ENGAGEMENT EVENT - DIRECT PAYMENTS This is not a call for competition Bidders must complete and return their bids using The Council e-procurement portal In-Tend ( In order to receive notifications of Croydon tender opportunities please register free of charge at To gain full access to this web site you must register your company / organisation using the Register option. When your registration has been accepted, you will receive an email containing your Login Information. Once you have received your Login Information, or if you are already a registered user, select the Login option. Registration is free and simple. All you need to enter on screen is the following information. Company Name, Company registration number (or tick a box if you don't have one) Tick a box to let us know if your company is an SME Address and Post Code. Phone number, a Contact First name, Last name and an Email Address. If you have any questions on how to use the web site please contact the In-Tend Support team at or call on 0845 557 8079 / +44 (0) 114 407 0065 Once you have registered to see a list of all tenders you are involved in click My Tenders under Tenders. This is where you will be able to view any documents you have been sent, make your return and check your progress on the tender • To express interest in a tender click the Tenders button from the menu bar at top of the page. From here you will have access to a list of tenders. Select the View Details button and from here you can express interest via the Express Interest button • To view the history of your correspondence click the Correspondence button where you can view messages. • To send correspondence click the Create Correspondence, enter message details and click the Send button. Issue date: 26/06/2024 Market engagement deadline: 25/07/24 @10 am Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Publish date

9 months ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Croydon

Salman Chaudhry

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