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Asset Operation, Maintenance and Response Framework



550,000,000 GBP


The Environment Agency (EA) are seeking to procure a Framework Agreement that will be utilised for the following requirements: - -Civil Engineering projects; -Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation Control and Automation projects; -Vegetation Management programmes; -Landscape and Habitat Creation Implementation and Establishment Aftercare; and -Asset Operation and Incident Response activities The Framework will be split into the following Lots: Lot 1 - Civil Engineering (Maintain and Construct) (Contracts <£1m) Lot 2 - Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation Control and Automation projects Lot 3 - Vegetation management and landscape and habitat creation Lot 1 and Lot 2 are each divided into six Hubs: North East, North West, Midlands, East, South East and South West. Lot 3 is divided into fourteen Areas: North East (NEA), Yorkshire (YOR), Cumbria and Lancashire (CLA), Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire (GMC), East Midlands (EMD), West Midlands (WMD), Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire (LNA), East Anglia (EAN), Thames (THM), Hertfordshire and North London (HNL), Kent, South London and East Sussex (KSL), Solent and South Downs (SSD), Wessex (WSX) and Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (DCS). The award restrictions per supplier are detailed in the procurement documents. Work will be allocated using Direct Award and Mini-Competition. The duration of the Framework will be three years (36 months) with one optional one-year (12 month) extension (totalling fours years or 48 months). The total estimated value of the Framework based on a four year (48 month) duration is between £500,000,000.00 - £600,000,000.00. The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at Any questions, requests to participate or tender submissions must be submitted electronically via this portal. Use of Framework by Others: This framework is primarily intended to meet the needs of the Environment Agency. The Agency may require the successful bidder(s) to provide the goods/services on the same terms that are agreed as a result of this tender to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and to its associated bodies including any Agencies and non-departmental public bodies and others (the Defra Group). The Environment Agency may also require the provision of the goods/services to members of the aforementioned Defra Group via the Environment Agency, rather than directly. The successful bidder(s) may also be required to provide the services to local authorities in England. The successful bidder(s) may also be required to provide the services to Internal Drainage Boards in England. The successful bidder(s) may also be required to provide the services to Central Government departments, executive agencies, and other NDPBs.


Publish date

2 years ago

Close date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Environment Agency

Ross Beavis

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