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Re-development of the existing office building situated at Bankside House, 76-80 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0PN



21,500,000 GBP


The contract location is Bankside House, 76-80 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0PN. The property spans two sites which were formerly separate entities and were redeveloped to form a single office building in 1971. The original Victorian warehouse structure remains to the eastern portion of the site while that at the western end was constructed in 1971. The property was substantially remodelled and clad in 2001. The contract works comprise the design, construction, remodelling and refurbishment of the existing office and ancillary plant accommodation at basement, and ground to fourth floor levels. The existing fifth floor level is to be demolished and new fifth and sixth floors will be constructed with new plant and roof terrace above. The building will be substantially rebuilt or reclad to the west, south and part north elevations. New terraces will be formed at fifth and sixth floors to the rear. Internally, the cores are to be rebuilt to provide high quality office plates over basement to sixth floors. The entrance will remain on the corner of Great Guildford and Southwark Streets. New cycle store and plant areas will be provided at basement level, along with a new feature stair linking the office accommodation at ground and basement. The works to be carried out on the property include but are not limited to the following: - The main entrance will remain in its current location but be substantially remodelled and refurbished; - The central core consisting of the main stair and two passenger lifts will be relocated to the northern boundary. This will require new structure to be built at the location of the current single storey area to the north; - The existing eastern core will be replaced with a new fire fighting core; - A stair will provide access from basement to ground floor serving the cycle and plant areas; - A new feature stair will be provided between ground and basement level; - The existing rendered polystyrene cladding will be removed and replaced with a new blue façade including new bay windows along Great Guildford and Southwark Streets; - The existing balconies on the northern façade will be removed and new private terraces will be formed at fifth and sixth floors; - The existing fifth floor level is to demolished and a new fifth and sixth floors will be constructed with new plant and roof terrace above; and, - Internal fabric and services will be replaced. The Procurement is being conducted by DTZ Investors for Glasgow City Council as administering authority for the Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPF). The successful Bidder will enter into the contract for the works with the Council. Lot 1: This procurement is being conducted by DTZ Investors for Glasgow City Council as administering authority for the Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPF). SPF is part of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and is one of the 11 LGPS funds in Scotland and around 100 in the UK. This contract is being procured under the Open Procedure. The Invitation to Tender (ITT) includes an SPD document. All Bidders must submit a completed SPD document as part of their response to the ITT. SPD responses meeting the minimum exclusion and selection criteria will proceed to have their response to the rest of the ITT evaluated against the award criteria. The minimum exclusion and selection criteria, award criteria and evaluation methodology is outlined in the ITT. The ITT includes the draft form of contract, as well as drawings and other relevant documents. Further information about the contract opportunity is set out in the ITT. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. As above, all communications from tenderers on this procurement should be sent to


Publish date

8 months ago

Close date

7 months ago

Buyer information

Glasgow City Council

Richard Andrews (Cogent)

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