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Catering and Hospitality Services



1,484,471 GBP


The Consortium Academy Trust invites tenders for the full supply of catering services at 8 school sites. The tender project is seeking to appoint a Contractor whose initiative and innovation will be welcomed for the provision of service within the existing facilities for the teaching and support staff and students on roll, all of whom have a focus on the introduction of exciting new food concepts to satisfy a wide range of tastes and dietary requirements. The provision of catering services within the Schools currently includes breakfast, morning break, lunch, hospitality and free issue requirements. Lot 1: The Consortium Academy Trust is looking to appoint a Provider for the provision of Catering Services at 8 of their schools in the Hull & East Riding of Yorkshire area. The Contract being Tendered is for a three year term, from 01 August 2025 until 31 July 2028, with the option to extend the Contract term for a further term of up to two years. The Consortium Academy Trust objectives: • To secure a Catering service that is well managed and requires minimal involvement from the Schools’ management teams. • To further develop the standards of a healthy, fresh food provision with a range of options to for those with dietary or ethical requirements. • To increase the standard of service for all customers. • To receive a consistently high-quality catering provision, via a motivated and fully Staffed workforce. • To generate a welcoming and efficient dining and social environment for all Students. • To receive proactive management support for the catering teams, in order to achieve and retain a full complement of motivated Staff. • To ensure animal welfare, ethical and sustainable considerations are reflected in the food source. • To hold regular review meetings with the chosen Supplier and ensure communication is prompt and responsive. • To achieve overall value for money. The Tender project is seeking to appoint a Supplier: - • Who will be proactive in the management of the Contract. • Who will ensure that the Catering team are enhanced moving forward into the new Contract term. • Who will review the current range of services in place and make any additional recommendations accordingly. • Who will enable the continued development of the Catering service. • Whose initiative and innovation will be welcomed for the provision of Catering services within the facilities of the Trust’s Schools, resulting in a pleasant environment for both the Students and Staff. • Who will evidence, through their bid, how they shall support and complement the Trust’s values and support the principles of Keeping Children Safe in Education.


Publish date

9 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

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The Consortium Academy Trust


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