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Processing and Selling of Dry and Mixed Recycling (DMR)



600,000 GBP


Processing and Selling of Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) The Council is seeking a contractor to provide a suitable delivery point for the delivery of DMR and the onward processing of that DMR. This contract will be for the benefit of Epping Forest District Council and its subsidiaries (wholly owned and joint venture) - the Council reserves the right to novate this contract to one of its subsidiaries during the contract period. Further information can be found in the ITT and Specification on the role of subsidiaries. This procurement is being undertaken using the open procedure under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Lot 1: Processing and Selling of Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) The Council is seeking a single contractor to provide a suitable delivery point within 30 minutes of North Weald Airfield to receive approximately 12,000 tonnes per annum of dry mixed recycling (DMR) delivered by or on behalf of the Council and then to deliver the subsequent sorting and onward sale/rep-processing in a manner that maximises quality, quantity and value. No composition or volume guarantee is provided. The contractor will have exclusivity over in scope DMR subject to rights under the agreement to remove that exclusivity. In scope DMR is kerbside collected household DMR and household DMR collected from bring banks within the Council’s area subject to certain waste streams that are excluded. The contractor will be required to accept all DMR (other than that excluded from scope under the agreement) delivered by the Council including all DMR that the Council is obliged by law to collect. The eventual agreement will be with the Council. The Council has one or more wholly owned companies including Terra Verde Services Limited (TVSL). TVSL is a Teckal/Regulation 12 compliant entity established to undertake the waste collection service from November 2024. The Council does not have any current plan to novate this Agreement to TVSL or any other wholly or jointly owned entity but reserves the right to do so. This procurement is therefore for the benefit of the Council and any such wholly or jointly owned entity. The agreement will be in place for a term of six years (intended to be from 4 November 2024) subject to the right of the Council to serve not less than six months notice at any time (but which cannot expire prior to 3 November 2026) to break the agreement early. Other termination rights are granted under the agreement. The valuation of this procurement assumes an average spend (excluding VAT and indexation) per annum of £100,000 by the Council. The Council acknowledges that the spend by the Council may not represent the full value of the agreement to the successful Contractor given the Contractor may derive income from its use/recycling of the materials delivered by the Council under the Agreement. The Council is not in a position to value that additional value given the nature of the materials commodity markets. Additional information: To respond to this opportunity please click here:


Publish date

9 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

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Epping Forest District Council


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