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Provision of Professional Procurement of Catering Products at HEART Academies Trust





440,384.01 GBP


HEART Academies Trust (the Customer) are seeking to appoint a suitably qualified supplier to provide full management of the food and catering supply chain for its existing schools and, as required, for any further growth. The current academies are: • Bedford Academy • Cauldwell Primary School • Shackleton Primary School • Shortstown Primary School 2. CATERING STRATEGY The appointed Supplier shall work with the Trust to: Ensure a sustainable, best value, high-quality school catering service. Ensure that every pupil/student attending a Trust school has daily access to healthy and nutritious food. Develop menus and extend choice whilst keeping the catering service financially viable for parents and carers. Build on current good practice of continuing to work with schools to involve and inspire students, parents and carers to improve their understanding of the benefits of good food and a healthy diet in improving educational outcomes. Increase the uptake of Free School Meals across the Trust. (Eligibility for free school meals at HEART Academies Trust is higher than the national average). Identify new catering initiatives and opportunities to expand services and generate additional revenue, including catering for school events and lettings and external organisations. Ensure robust quality assurance measures are in place for continued compliance and safe service delivery. Adopt procurement and operational practices that support the Trust's vision of improving climate and sustainability outcomes. Support continued investment in improving kitchen/dining room environments and equipment. Demonstrate high levels of customer satisfaction measured by performance against Section 9 Catering Service Level Agreement KPIs and parent/student customer satisfaction survey results. Additional information: All tender documentation can be found within the OPEN Procurement - ITT - Procurement of Catering Products_FINAL Zip folder Evaluation Weighting: Commercial: 60.0% Quality: 30.0% Social: 10.0%


Publish date

10 months ago

Award date

7 months ago

Buyer information


Matthew Saunders

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