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Supply of Professional Services to Define VOA Council Tax Transformation & Change Delivery



PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


42,000 GBP


Awarded contract - this means that the contract has been awarded to a supplier and is being published for transparency purposes only. The VOA has a substantial transformation portfolio, which includes an overhaul of the Agency's technology platform, delivering on the Government Review of Business Rates and supporting the reform of Council Tax in Wales. The VOA is looking to reshape how it delivers this change (ranging from systems maintenance and improvement to more substantial transformation) relating to Council Tax once the new platform has been delivered, where there is a clear rational for aligning these activities under a single structure to ensure the most efficient design and build. Recognising that there are different delivery options, VOA is seeking the support from an external Supplier to identify the optimal way to bring together these elements to form a single portfolio, which will manage the single roadmap for CT transformation. This will be completed as a standalone project, and it will be staffed with resource from VOA, HMRC CDIO and supported by the chosen supplier Additional information: Further Competition Activity Undertaken via Management Consultancy 3 (MCF 3) Framework Agreement RM6187, Lot 3 (Complex & Transformation)


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Valuation Office Agency

Bruce Thomson

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