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Reopen_Short Breaks for children with disabilities and additional needs_Flexible Framework



The Council is reopening the Flexible Framework to invite new applicants. The Framework intends to commission portage and short breaks services which deliver age appropriate activities for Children With Disabilities and Additional Needs. Activities will provide a supportive and nurturing service for children and give parents and carers the opportunity to have a break from caring. The provision of a wide range of short break activities for children with disabilities and additional needs will help to support families, give children the best start in life and help children to develop at key life stages. We want to commission services for children with disabilities and additional needs to support positive outcomes in family resilience, social integration and independence. These services should help families to give children with disabilities and additional needs the best start in life and support development through key life stages. They should support children with disabilities and additional needs to be part of their community, to take part in wider activities to achieve positive life outcomes and support independence. The London Borough of Sutton commissions this service in accordance with Regulation 74 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (Light Touch Regime for Health and Social Care) allowing the commissioning of this contract by means of a Lot based, Flexible Framework which will be re-opened periodically as detailed within the tender documentation during the 5 year framework duration. Suppliers who successfully join the Framework at the re-opening will have a contract end date in line with the original 5 year framework duration. Note: Existing Framework Suppliers are not required to take any action and will remain on the Framework Keywords: Disabilities, short breaks


Publish date

a month ago

Close date

8 days ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Sutton

Mr Liam Roberts

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