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Adult Social Care Transformation - Delivery Partner



Social Care Institute for Excellence


449,650 GBP


The London Borough of Bromley ('the Council') sought to appoint a provider with a detailed understanding and proven track record, in the delivery of efficiency savings in Adult Social Care and embedding co-production in Adult Services. Consideration of increasing volume and complexity of demand, building on our work with the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector is pivotal. In addition, measures to maximise the Council's staff's ability to enable independence for people through the way they work and the services available, is important to the Council. The Provider is required to be able to respond to the challenges which the London Borough of Bromley and its partners, have identified, and be able to work within an integrated system. The Provider will need to understand local and national challenges and have tangible ways of addressing these. The Council is seeking fundamental and lasting change which puts our residents’ outcomes and staff experiences first and delivers long term efficiencies in our model of care. The Service will be divided in two Lots: Lot 1 Digital Transformation and Lot 2 Strategic Coproduction Programme. However, the Council awarded both Lots to the same supplier - there was no intention to award Lots to different Providers. The successful provider is able to deliver both Lots. Lot 1: Digital Transformation The London Borough of Bromley ('The Council') is sought to appoint a provider with a detailed understanding and proven track record, in the delivery of efficiency savings in Adult Social Care and embedding co-production in Adult Services. All applications were made through the London Tenders portal only and not to the contact details contained in this notice. All the relevant tender documents were made available to potential providers unrestricted and free of charge via the London Tenders Portal. Lot 2: Strategic Co-Production Programme The London Borough of Bromley ('The Council') is sought to appoint a provider with a detailed understanding and proven track record, in the delivery of efficiency savings in Adult Social Care and embedding co-production in Adult Services. All applications were made through the London Tenders portal only and not to the contact details contained in this notice. All the relevant tender documents were made available to potential providers unrestricted and free of charge via the London Tenders Portal.


Award date

6 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Bromley


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