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475,349 GBP


NHS North West London Integrated Care Board are looking to engage with providers that can demonstrate capability in the delivery of a number of outputs focused on reducing the time and effort required for systematic engagement of the voluntary sector in ICS strategic planning, while also increasing the impact and credibility of that communication. Output #1: Develop support service to enable third sector participation within the ICB Board, ICB Programme Boards, BBP boards and associated working groups. Output #2: Distribution of funds to support attendance to ICB Board, ICB Programme Boards, BBP Boards and associated working groups to third sector representatives. Output #3: Reporting of outputs from third sector representation within ICB and BBP governance (via the NWL ICB Volunteering and Voluntary Sector Board). Output #4 Co-produced Impact Framework that both generates credible impact data and evidences cost savings to the system. Developing meaningful data sets that can be used by smaller organisations to improve capability to evidence impact of services. Output #5: Wider engagement support: Develop wider sector engagement for a North West London wide collaboration of third sector organisations including associate membership (national charities) engagement with review of third sector representation to ensure this aligns to ICS priorities and embed prior to 23/24. Output #6: Smaller third sector organisation involvement: Develop contract management structures that support smaller charities to participate in health sector contracts and enable investment in those organisations best placed to deliver outcomes, especially in communities that are marginalised or considered 'hard to reach;' Output #7: Communication platform: Website development to enable information dissemination and two-way communication across the wider third sector, including 'smaller' organisations and national bodies. The Contract to be offered to the successful Bidder at the end of this Procurement will be for a duration of 2 years, which is intended to run from March 2023 until March 2025 with the possibility of one extension of up to 1 year, subject to any restrictions placed nationally by NHS England or the Department of Health. To download the tender documentation, please login and register at SAP Ariba via the link


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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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NHS Shared Business Services


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