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Fordington Cemetery Boundary/Retaining Wall



150,000 GBP


The purpose of this expression of interest invitation is to assist Dorchester Town Council in deciding which suppliers to short-list to invite to tender for the provision of construction services to the Town Council. The contract will be let by Dorchester Town Council, 19 North Square, Dorchester DT1 1JF. This form should be returned to:- Carl Dallison Assistant Town Clerk Dorchester Town Council 19 North Show less description Square Dorchester Dorset DT1 1JF Or email it to - Carl Dallison T: 01305 266861 B. Introduction Dorchester Town Council are seeking suitably qualified construction companies to provide construction services to the Council. C. Scope of Service To rebuild a collapsed section of retaining wall which forms the boundary between Fordington Cemetery and a car park along Holloway Road, Dorchester. Although the wall is not listed it is located within a Dorchester Conservation Area. The retaining wall is approximately 5.5 metres high and has failure due to hydrostatic pressure. The works will involve cutting back the chalk escarpment and the installation of gabion baskets built off a concrete footing. Front face of the gabions will be lined with dense blocks with a natural stone finish. Formation of weep holes drilled into the remaining wall sections to ease hydrostatic pressure. The removal of vegetation and areas of repointing.


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Dorchester Town Council

Carl Dallison

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