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Jumbo Water Tower - Main Contractor



North Essex Heritage is keen to appoint qualified, experienced and resourced Contractor Teams to bring Jumbo Tower back into good repair. The project will include repair works to the building fabric, the high-level tank and roof as well as upgrading of its services to make it accessible all year round. New build elements will include new service floor, lift and stairs plus new visitor entrance. The appointment will be two stage. The first stage to be under JCT 2024 PCSA to provide input to the RIBA 4 design including completion of Contractor Design Portions, erection of scaffold, and structure inspections, and complete full pricing of the Works. The second stage will be the full construction contract under JCT 2024 Standard Building Contract with Contractor Design. Please note that Selection Questionnaires will be evaluated against the selection criteria, as detailed within the Selection Questionnaire document, and up to five contractors will be invited to submit an entry for the 1st Stage Tender. Additional information: Documents available to download free of charge from the link below: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Colchester and North East Essex Building Preservation Trust

Eleanor Clarke

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