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ACCESS Private Equity Allocators



Adams Street Partners LLC, HarbourVest Partners (U.K.) Limited


2,000,000,000 GBP


The Authority is seeking to appoint up to two Private Equity Allocators to manage and grow the Private Equity Mandates of the ACCESS Pool members. Two allocators will be appointed unless only one supplier is capable of meeting the requirements set out in the ITT, in which case the Authority reserves the right to appoint only a single supplier. This procurement is being undertaken by Hampshire County Council (the Authority) on behalf of the Administering Authorities who together comprise the ACCESS Pool. The ACCESS Pool is a collaboration of 11 like-minded Local Government Pension Scheme Authorities, investing the pensions of over one million members, delivering strong investment performance, achieving greater cost efficiency and benefiting from the best of local authority procurement. Further information regarding the ACCESS Pool can be found here: Lot 1: Hampshire County Council is running this procurement on behalf of ACCESS pool and is seeking to appoint up to two investment managers to undertake the role of Private Equity Allocator in relation to the ACCESS Pool's Private Equity Mandates. The procurement will be carried out as a two stage Restricted procedure. At the conclusion of the procurement procedure, each named Authority who wishes to undertake this type of investment will enter into its own contract with the successful Supplier at their own discretion. The duration of the contract(s) shall be thirty (30) years, subject to a five (5) yearly review cycle during this period.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Hampshire County Council

Samantha Pullinger

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