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Building Safety and Compliance Framework



800,000,000 GBP


Fusion21 is developing a framework for the full provision of Building Safety and Compliance related works/services. The Framework will be split into 12 lots as follows: Lot 1: Asbestos Surveying & Consultancy CPV: 71313410, 71315100, 71317210, 71600000, 71900000, 80500000, 80531200 Description: Includes; asbestos consultancy air monitoring, training and related services Value: £50m Lot 2: Asbestos Abatement & Removal CPV: 45262660, 90650000 Description: Includes; asbestos removal, disposal, encapsulation and related services Value: £90m Lot 3: Legionella & Water Hygiene Consultancy CPV: 71313410, 71317210, 71600000, 71800000, 80500000, 80531200 Description: water hygiene consultancy services, undertaking risk assessments, producing written schemes/management plans, training and related services. Value: £10m Lot 4: Legionella Monitoring & Control CPV: 45332000, 50511000, 50513000, 50514100, 51810000, 71600000, 71700000, 71800000, 71900000, 80531200, 90913100 Description: Legionella and temperature monitoring, testing and sampling and related services/works. Value: £50m Lot 5: Fire Safety Surveying & Consultancy (Multi- Disciplinary) CPV: 71313410, 71315400, 71317100, 71317210, 71600000, 71631000, 75251110, 80500000, 80531200 Description: Fire safety, surveying and consultancy related works/services. Value: £20m Lot 6: Fire Risk Assessments CPV: 71313410, 71317100, 71317210, 75251110, 80500000, 80531200 Description: Fire risk assessments and related services Value: £40m Lot 7: Fire Safety Inspections CPV: 71315400, 71631000 Description: Fire safety routine or ad-hoc inspections Value: £40m Lot 8: Passive Fire Protection CPV: 44221220, 45343000, 45343100 Description: Includes design, supply, installation, maintenance and other related works/services Value: £290m Lot 9: Fire Suppression (Sprinkler & Mist) Systems CPV: 35111500, 44115500, 45343000, 45343100, 45343230 Description: Includes design and installation/upgrading of fire safety measures Value: £40m Lot 10: Active Fire Safety CPV: 31500000, 31518200, 31625100, 31625200, 35111000, 35111320, 44480000, 45312100, 45343000, 50413200, 51700000 Description: Includes fire detection, evacuation, alarm systems and similar service/works Value: £90m Lot 11: Warden Call & Tele-health CPV: 31620000, 33195000, 33196000, 42961100, 79711000 Description: Includes design, supply, installation, maintenance and other related works/services Value: £40m Lot 12: Electronic Security CPV: 31625000, 35120000, 42961100, 45312000, 50610000, 79711000 Description: Includes door access control, CTTV, alarms and other related services/work Value: £40m Further information and the Tender Pack can be found in the Opportunities section on the Buyers e-procurement Portal -


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Fusion21 Members Consortium

Steff Swift

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