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LOTL 226-23 Sexual Health & Blood Borne Virus Services



Waverley Care, LGBT Health and Wellbeing, LGBT Youth Scotland


1,298,852 GBP


NHS Lothian, a statutory body constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 (“the Board”), NHS Lothian wishes to tender for sexual health and wellbeing services provided to Men who Have Sex with Men (MSM) and emotional health and wellbeing services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) adults and young people as specified within the attached Appendix 1 specifications for Lots 1, 2 and 3. Suppliers are invited to bid for single or multiple lots. Lots are as follows: - Lot 1 - Sexual health and wellbeing of Gay and Bisexual men, and all men who have sex with men (GBMSM) - Lot 2 - Emotional health and wellbeing of LGBT+ adults - Lot 3 - Emotional health and wellbeing of LGBT + young people (13–18-year-olds) Equalities These services are specifically targeted to support people who are lesbian, gay or bi-sexual, and trans men, trans women and non-binary people. Lot 2 is specifically targeted to support men and Lot 3 is specifically targeted to support young people (aged 13-18). Lot 1: Provision of services to support the sexual health and wellbeing of GBMSM adults (aged 16+) Provision of services to support the health and wellbeing, including sexual health and wellbeing of GBMSM adults (16+) Equalities These services are specifically targeted to support people who are lesbian, gay or bi-sexual, and trans men, trans women and non-binary people. Lot 1 is specifically targeted to support men and Lot 3 is specifically targeted to support young people (aged 13-18). It is however our intention that these services should be as accessible and inclusive as possible to those within our target groups who also fall within other relevant groups, namely people who are pregnant or on maternity leave; disabled people; people from ethnic minority populations; people with religious or other protected beliefs; care experienced people; people experiencing health inequalities caused by socio-economic disadvantage; people experiencing employment inequalities caused by socio-economic disadvantage; carers. Lot 2: Provision of Services to support the Sexual Health and Wellbeing of LGBT+ adults (16+) living in NHS Lothian. These services are specifically targeted to support people who are lesbian, gay or bi-sexual, and trans men, trans women and non-binary people. Lot is specifically targeted to support men and Lot 3 is specifically targeted to support young people (aged 13-18). It is however our intention that these services should be as accessible and inclusive as possible to those within our target groups who also fall within other relevant groups, namely people who are pregnant or on maternity leave; disabled people; people from ethnic minority populations; people with religious or other protected beliefs; care experienced people; people experiencing health inequalities caused by socio-economic disadvantage; people experiencing employment inequalities caused by socio-economic disadvantage; carers. Lot 3: Provision of services to support the emotional health and wellbeing of LGB and Transgender young people (13-18 year olds) These services are specifically targeted to support people who are lesbian, gay or bi-sexual, and trans men, trans women and non-binary people. Lot 1 is specifically targeted to support men and Lot 3 is specifically targeted to support young people (aged 13-18). It is however our intention that these services should be as accessible and inclusive as possible to those within our target groups who also fall within other relevant groups, namely people who are pregnant or on maternity leave; disabled people; people from ethnic minority populations; people with religious or other protected beliefs; care experienced people; people experiencing health inequalities caused by socio-economic disadvantage; people experiencing employment inequalities caused by socio-economic disadvantage; carers.


Award date

11 months ago

Publish date

10 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Lothian


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