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Business Travel Management Services 2025



42,000,000 GBP


The University requires a Travel Management Company (TMC) that is able to facilitate the travel booking needs for a large and diverse range of stakeholders, including but not limited to Air Travel, Rail Travel and Accommodation Booking, for Domestic and International travel requirements. The University requires a TMC with the provision to provide these services both online through a booking platform and smartphone based app, and offline through a UK based call-centre type model. The University has used the services of a TMC since October 2017. As the current TMC contract is ending in October 2025, the University is now seeking to re-contract for this service for up to a further 7 years. Lot 1: The University requires a Travel Management Company (TMC) that is able to facilitate the travel booking needs for a large and diverse range of stakeholders, including but not limited to Air Travel, Rail Travel and Accommodation Booking, for Domestic and International travel requirements. The University requires a TMC with the provision to provide these services both online through a booking platform and smartphone based app, and offline through a UK based call-centre type model. The University has used the services of a TMC since October 2017. As the current TMC contract is ending in October 2025, the University is now seeking to re-contract for this service for up to a further 7 years. The University is conducting this procurement using a single-stage procedure for the purpose of procuring the services described in the Specification. The University proposes to enter into a Contract for up to 7-years and 4-months with the successful Supplier. This will comprise of an initial contract period of 4-months for the implementation of the service, followed by an initial term of 4-years, with two optional extensions of a further 18-months per extension. The estimated value of the proposal is between £24,000,000.00 and £42,000,000.00 The estimated value of the initial 4-year contract term is in the region of £24,000,000.00 GBP (excluding VAT). The estimated value of the first 18-month extension period is £9,000,000.00 GBP (excluding VAT). The estimated value of the second 18-month extension period is £9,000,000.00 GBP (excluding VAT). It is estimated, therefore, that the total value of this contract will be between £24,000,000.00 and £42,000,000.00 GBP (excluding VAT). Details of current expenditure or potential future uptake are given as a guide base on past purchasing and current planning to assist you in the preparation of your Tender. They should not be interpreted as an undertaking to purchase any goods or services to any particular value and do not form part of the Contract. PLEASE NOTE: The University of Southampton no longer meets the criteria of a 'body governed by public law' and is therefore not considered a contracting authority for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) and/or any replacement legislation. This procurement process is not regulated by UK (or EU) public procurement law. Where the University advertises contracts, through any public sector tender portal, it does so on a voluntary basis by way of transparency and to encourage open competition, but it is not required to comply with the procurement legislation. For the purpose of procuring the services described, the University is acting in accordance with its internal Financial Regulations and the procured detailed in the Invitation to Tender document set. Nothing which is done during the procurement process (including the publication of the contract notice and use of terminology which may be defined by the PCR 2015) should be taken to imply that the University is voluntarily complying with the PCR 2015 or intends to do so. Some of the stages, documentation and terminology adopted in the University's procurement process may have similarities to ones regulated by and defined under the PCR 2015, but they will not be regulated by the PCR 2015 during this process and should not be taken as references to those things as defined by the PCR 2015. Interested parties are invited to express their interest and submit their proposals in accordance with the instructions provided in the Invitation to Tender documentation. The University aims to ensure a fair, transparent, and competitive procurement process to select the most suitable partner for this significant project. Additional information: This contract is NOT suitable for splitting into lots. The risk of dividing the requirement into Lots would render the execution of the contract excessively technically difficult, not cost effective and would undermine proper execution of the contract.


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University of Southampton

Morgan Hughes

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