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Element Avanti





290,640 GBP


This purchase builds on the University and its Genetics Core expertise in near-to-clinic genomics, current experience of working with technology, our hosted biobank and already in place embedded genomic automation. The implementation of the equipment will significantly impact ongoing and future research projects. For example, it will facilitate the investigation of genomic variation in funded, and future, projects of structurally-diverse tumour types of unmet need. The Genetics Core requires a short-read sequencing platform that has the ability to sequence low-diversity libraries without the need to add in large amounts of PhiX (more than 5%) to artificially introduce base diversity. It needs to be able to work with single cell platforms, especially 10x Genomics and Parse, and be able to run any combination of their barcodes for these experiments. It needs to have the ability to work with low to medium sample numbers (two to twelve) while maintaining high quality data and throughput. The chosen system in the Element AVITI is the only system on the market that can fulfil this requirement. Lot 1: This purchase builds on the University and its Genetics Core expertise in near-to-clinic genomics, current experience of working with technology, our hosted biobank and already in place embedded genomic automation. The implementation of the equipment will significantly impact ongoing and future research projects. For example, it will facilitate the investigation of genomic variation in funded, and future, projects of structurally-diverse tumour types of unmet need. The Genetics Core requires a short-read sequencing platform that has the ability to sequence low-diversity libraries without the need to add in large amounts of PhiX (more than 5%) to artificially introduce base diversity. It needs to be able to work with single cell platforms, especially 10x Genomics and Parse, and be able to run any combination of their barcodes for these experiments. It needs to have the ability to work with low to medium sample numbers (two to twelve) while maintaining high quality data and throughput. The chosen system in the Element AVITI is the only system on the market that can fulfil this requirement.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

University of Edinburgh


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