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External Audit Services



Grant Thornton (UK) LLP


124,000 GBP


This is a Contract Award Notice to communicate a contract award to Grant Thornton UK LLP. NHS Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (BLMK) is working towards the establishment of the BLMK Integrated Care System (ICS) involving drafting the constitution for the Integrated Care Board (ICB), based on the model constitution provided by NHSEI. The ICB has the function of arranging the provision of those services in accordance with the Health and Care Act 2021. The ICB and each responsible local authority whose area coincides with or falls wholly or partly within the Board's area must establish a joint committee known as an Integrated Care Partnership. The Partnership must prepare a strategy setting out how the assessed needs in relation to its area are to be met. The CCG has sought advice from NHS England regarding the process to appoint a local auditor for the proposed new ICB for the 2022/23 financial year and beyond. Currently this advice is unavailable. The 12-month contract award with Grant Thornton UK LLP will: • provide the necessary service continuity of its external audit team relating to functions from transferring from BLMK CCG to ICS, as it continues to go through significant organization change. • allows sufficient time to appropriately specify audit requirements for an ICB given the passage of the Bill through parliament. • allows for a procurement of a new external auditor by the conclusion of the 12-month contract specified to ICB requirements given the limited capacity which is focused on a number of other ICB transitional activities. The transition from BLMK CCG to ICB will become effective from 01st April 2022 with the 12-month contract award with Grant Thornton novating from BLMK CCG to the ICB when it has established statutory footing. In accordance with Regulation 72 (1) (a) of the PCRs 2015, the services covered by the arrangement may change and expand as the Service develops in accordance with national guidelines and mandates in relation to operating principles for the transition from CCGs to ICS'.


Publish date

3 years ago

Award date

3 years ago

Buyer information


Rod Skinner

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