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PL - Abandoned Vehicles Services



Peterborough City Council has responsibility for the investigation, collection and delivery of abandoned vehicles to such place as they determine in acting in the capacity as Waste Disposal Authority. Peterborough City Council (the "Council") have awarded a contract for the collection storage and delivery of abandoned vehicles ("the Services") to Peterborough Limited (the "Company""). The Company wishes to appoint a contractor ("the Contractor") to deliver the Services on its behalf ("Contract"). This Contract is from Peterborough Limited and is for the appointed Contractor to remove abandoned vehicles, parts of vehicles, caravans, trailers and the like from the Council's registered land, though not necessarily from the highway, for an agreed fee. The initial Contract period is from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2028, with the option of a further one-year extension ("the Contract Period") at the Company's sole discretion. Vehicles removed under this Contract will fall into one of three classes as follows: Class A Vehicles which are moved from Council registered land which cannot be destroyed immediately, and must be held in safekeeping by the Company at the secure storage site ("Storage Site") Class B Vehicles which are moved from Council Registered Land and sent direct for de-pollution and disposal by the Contractor. Class C Vehicles which are moved from the Company's Storage Site and sent direct for de-pollution and disposal by the Contractor In this Contract the term "vehicle" means a mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads, whether or not it is in a fit state for such use, and includes any trailer intended or adapted for such use as an attachment to such a vehicle, any chassis or body, with or without wheels, appearing to have formed part of such a vehicle or trailer and anything attached to such a vehicle or trailer.


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a month ago

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11 days ago

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Peterborough City Council

Lesley George

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