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UKRI-4347 Compressed Air, Nitrogen Generators, Carbon Towers and Associated Services



2,060,000 GBP


UKRI wishes to establish a Contract for the provision of Compressed Air, Nitrogen Generators, Carbon Towers and Associated Services. The site address for delivery of the goods and/or services is are as follows: a.Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX b.STFC Chilbolton Observatory, Drove Road, Chilbolton, SO20 6BJ c.The Cosener’s House, 15-16 Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JD The estimated value of the opportunity is £2,060,000.00 excluding VAT across a potential 4 year term, broken down approximately as follows: Planned Preventative Maintenance: up to £105,000.00 per year Reactive and Remedial Works: up to £400,000.00 per year Estimate of new assets in new buildings/assets through contract term in new areas: £10,000.00 per year. Projects works: up to £10,000 per year Total spend: £515,000.00 per year The Contract duration shall be for a period of 3 years with option to extend on an annual basis for a further 1 year (3+1) from commencement of the Contract. Lot 1: UKRI wishes to establish a Contract for the provision of Compressed Air, Nitrogen Generators, Carbon Towers and Associated Services. The site address for delivery of the goods and/or services is are as follows: a.Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX b.STFC Chilbolton Observatory, Drove Road, Chilbolton, SO20 6BJ c.The Cosener’s House, 15-16 Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JD The estimated value of the opportunity is £2,060,000.00 excluding VAT across a potential 4 year term, broken down approximately as follows: Planned Preventative Maintenance: up to £105,000.00 per year Reactive and Remedial Works: up to £400,000.00 per year Estimate of new assets in new buildings/assets through contract term in new areas: £10,000.00 per year. Projects works: up to £10,000 per year Total spend: £515,000.00 per year We are looking to contract with a specialist (assets relevant) maintenance supplier who has technical capability to deliver all aspects of the services. Ideally, they should have the direct in-house labour to be able to maintain a variety of asset categories and asset types. The RAL contains multiple buildings and engineer retained knowledge consistency is key to access and the supplier’s contractual success.


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UK Research & Innovation

STFC Procurement

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