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Accommodation Based Care Flexible DPS - Approved Provider (Adults)



The strategic 5 year approach to this sector of care, provides a direction of travel for existing care providers and a clear indication to new providers wishing to become part of the Sutton care home and supported living market. This strategic approach sets out the local health and social care approach to commissioning a sustainable range of high quality care home and supported living services, specifically to: * Manage the local care home and supported living market as part of an integrated health and social care system * Support quality in care homes and supported living services through joint monitoring, quality assurance and data collection * Develop opportunities for the joint commissioning of new in borough models of care over a five year period * Inform the planning of care home and supported living provision for future years The Authority is setting up a flexible DPS for the management of an Approved Panel for the delivery of Residential and Nursing Care Home services and Regulated and Non Regulated Supported Living Services. This will be commissioned in accordance with Regulation 74 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (Light Touch Regime for Health and Social Care). It is intended that the DPS will be open for an initial period of 5 years. The DPS is Lot based and will provide succesful suppliers with opportunities for individual placement referrals throughout the term of the DPS. There may be opportunities to tender for contracts for Directly Commissioned Services by way of mini competitions inviting successful Suppliers within the Lots to which the opportunity applies. Keywords: Learning Disability, Care Home, Supported Living, Older People, Residential Care, Nursing Care


Publish date

12 months ago

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in 4 years

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London Borough of Sutton

Mr S Hardisty

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