Acquisition of 5 Large Fast Rescue Boats (FRB) for the Danish Coastal Rescue Service
As a part of a renewal process of the Danish Coastal Rescue Service fleet of search and rescue vessels, DALO intends to enter into a contract regarding acquisition of 5 (five) large fast rescue boats (FRB) for the Danish Coastal Rescue Service. The tendered contract also includes an option of acquisition of additional 1 + 1 FRB. The 5 FRBs to be acquired under this contract shall replace four (4) boats of the Canada type and one (1) MRB31. 5 (five) initial packages of spare parts (one for each FRB) are also part of the delivery. As part of this tender, the tenderer are required to make an similar boat available for a user evaluation test in connection with the evaluation of the tenderers best and final offer (BAFO). Lot 1: The new fast rest rescue boats (FRB) are supposed to be built with fixed hull with fenders, and inboard diesel engines. They shall be built for a crew of 4, and 6 passengers. The FRB will be used as on scene coordinator, which requires more than normally used communication equipment. The FRB will be used for search and rescue operations, meaning the FRB shall be equipped with additional means of search and rescue and with medical treatment equipment. The FRB will be used in rough weather, meaning that it shall provide a safe and reliable platform for the search and rescue operation. This means good sailing properties in bad weather and that all essential equipment has to be duplicated. The FRB shall also in case of capsizing, be self-righting and be able operate safely following a capsize. The FRB will be used in shallow waters, and beaching on a sandy beach with high speed is a part of normal operation. Two of the FRB will be stationed at lifeboat stations that will be launching the FRB from the beach, using a tractor and carriage. The FRB shall be approved by Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) for its intended purpose. The FRB shall be designed / built for a lifespan of 15–20 years, with approximately 300 service hours pr. year. The FRB is used in search and rescue operations, that can last several hours, meaning that propulsion, but also the crew facilities must support this. The FRB crew are normally wearing immersion suits and gloves while operating the FRB. The FRB shall be suitable for this. The FRB shall have a semi open heated wheelhouse for crew shelter and shock mitigated seats, but at the same time must provide good view during search and rescue operations. The wheelhouse must be designed with openings so that the crew can evacuate in case the FRB is capsizing. The FRB shall be built and used under the rules as a civilian vessel, according the rules from Danish Maritime Authority. The contract is not divided into lots on the grounds that a division of the contract would entail disproportionate costs due to subsequent contract administration.
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization
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- Martin Sigsgaard Gustavson
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