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R498 Latteragh Realignment Scheme



The R498 Latteragh Realignment scheme involves the construction of 4.3km of a route improvement scheme for the R498 in Co. Tipperary. The scope of works of this contract involves: - Realignment of approximately 4.3 km of Regional road to a Type 2 single carriageway with a standard cross section consisting of a 7.0m carriageway with 2 x 0.5m hard strips and 2 x 2.5m grass verges in accordance with TII DN-GEO-03036. - Shared active travel route; - Realignment of 3 no. local side roads and the construction of numerous direct accesses; - Site Clearance; - Fencing, Boundary Treatments and Accommodation Works; - Road Restraint Systems; - Drainage; - Earthworks; - Pavements, Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas; - Traffic Signs and Road Markings; - Landscaping and Environmental Mitigation; - Contractor Designed Structures; - Services ducts for Utilities works including diversions; - Two new over bridges across the Nenagh River; - Two new accommodation underpasses.


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Tipperary County Council

Tipperary County Council

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