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AMP8 Non Infrastructure Framework



1,500,000,000 GBP


Yorkshire Water (YW) is seeking to procure two Non-Infrastructure Framework Agreements to support the delivery of its AMP8 capital investment programme. Each Framework will include between 3 and 6 delivery partners: Lot 1: Non-Infrastructure Complex Works £600m (AMP8) Lot 2: Non-Infrastructure Minor Works £150m (AMP8) The above values are estimates only and Yorkshire Water gives no guarantee as to the actual value of each Lot. The AMP8 regulatory period will run from April 2025 to March 2030. The services procured under these framework agreements include, but are not limited to, design, construction, civil engineering, and process works, (encompassing mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and telemetry). The framework will include an element of programme management, progress and performance reporting, quality management and commissioning.  Individual projects and programmes of work on the Complex Framework will typically range from £1m to £35m with most in the middle of this range. (Programmes of similar work may be collated to form tranches) There will be no upper threshold for the value of projects and programmes which may be awarded through the framework. Individual projects and programmes of work on the Minor Works Framework will typically range from £100k to £1m with most in the middle of this range. (Programmes of similar work may be collated to form tranches). Lot 1: Yorkshire Water Non-Infrastructure Framework Complex Civils and MEICA Works Complex Works Non-Infrastructure Framework for Yorkshire Water to provide services across Yorkshire Water's geographical region including: Works on both Water and Wastewater sites. Individual projects and programmes of work on the Complex Lot will typically range from £1m to £35m with most in the middle of this range. (Programmes of similar work may be collated to form tranches). There will be no upper threshold for the value of projects and programmes which may be awarded through the framework. It is proposed to include 3 to 6 Design and Build Contractors on the Complex Works Framework. The scope of the projects and tranches may include, but not be limited to, the following: Pre-Construction survey and investigation Design and Construction Management Design and Build based on Client's Concept Design Site Works (Construction, Civils, Process, Mechanical, Electrical, controls and instrumentation) Additional information: The Yorkshire Water AMP8 procurement process will utilise Ariba Sourcing for the publication of procurement documents. Applicants are required to register organisation details for subsequent access to the PQQ documents. Applicants should complete the registration process using the attached link - Lot 2: Yorkshire Water Non-Infrastructure Framework Minor Civils and MEICA Works Non-Infrastructure Minor Works Framework for Yorkshire Water to provide services across Yorkshire Water's geographical region. This framework is for less complicated works unsuitable for the Complex Works Framework and will include: Works on both Water and Wastewater sites. Individual projects and programmes of work on the Minor Works Framework will typically range from £250k to £1m with most in the middle of this range. (Programmes of similar work may be collated to form tranches). The scope of the projects and tranches of work may include but not be limited to the following: Pre-Construction survey and investigation, Less complex design and build schemes based on Client's Concept design, (limited design capability required), Construction only works dependent on value and complexity of the work package, (ability to self-deliver core disciplines), Site Works, (Construction, Civils, Process, Mechanical, Electrical, controls and instrumentation). Additional information: The Yorkshire Water AMP8 procurement process will utilise Ariba Sourcing for the publication of procurement documents. Applicants are required to register organisation details for subsequent access to the PQQ documents. Applicants should complete the registration process using the attached link -


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9 months ago

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Yorkshire Water Services Ltd

Rob Henaghan

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