Framework agreement to supply ICT goods and services to the education sector and any UK public sector body
Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) and The Elliot Foundation Trust (TEFAT) seek to establish a framework agreement enabling schools, multi-academy trusts and all UK public sector bodies to procure a variety of ICT goods and services, where those goods and services are split into a series of lots, allowing suppliers to respond to single lots, multiple lots, or all lots. The lots range from hardware and software purchases, to procuring a full managed service with a chosen Strategic ICT Partner. There is no limit to the number of suppliers on each lot and no limit to the number of lots you can respond to. We welcome responses from registered companies (including SMEs), consortia, Special Purpose Vehicles and Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSEs). The Sponsors (AET and TEFAT) will be procuring a Strategic Partner utilising the framework, which will run in parallel to the framework procurement. These further competitions will be lots 16 and 17 of the framework ITT. The framework lots are Strategic Partnering Services, Hardware Provision, Audio Visual, Networking, Wide Area Networking, Servers and Storage, Hardware as a Service, Software, Cloud Services, MIS, Printing, Telephony, Built Environment, Support Services, Consultancy Services, AET Further Competition, and TEFAT Further Competition. enFrame are focussed on ensuring that every procurement is driven by Social Value and fighting climate change, an ethos that is shared with AET and TEFAT. A such, the framework asks what Social Value supplies can offer through delivery of the service that would benefit the trusts, and what they can offer and do to reduce the trusts’ carbon footprint. Lot 1: Lot 3: Hardware Provision (Overarching lot) Lot 3: Hardware Provision Lot 3: Hardware is the overarching lot that includes the provision of Mobile Devices, Desktop/Fixed Devices, Peripherals, and Device Services sub-lots. To be successfully awarded a place on the overarching lot, Suppliers must provide responses to, and be successfully awarded a place on each sub-lot under that lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for a sub-lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for all the sub-lots in a lot will automatically be awarded as a Panel Member on the overarching lot and will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot and all its sub-lots. However, they will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Additional information: There are 4 sub-lots: Sub-lot 1: Mobile Devices Sub-lot 2: Desktop/Fixed Devices Sub-lot 3: Peripherals Sub-lot 4: Device Services Lot 2: Lot 3 Hardware Provision Sub-lot 1 Mobile Devices Sub-lot 1: Mobile Devices Mobile Devices is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of mobile or portable devices including laptops, tablets, mobile communication devices, and e-readers. Mobile Devices is a sub-lot of Lot 3: Hardware Provision. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure mobile devices through Further Competition may choose to procure using this sub-lot, the overarching Lot 3: Hardware Provision, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 3: Lot 3 Hardware Provision Sub-lot 2 Desktop/Fixed Devices Sub-lot 2: Desktop/Fixed Devices Desktop/Fixed Devices is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of devices for desks or unmovable devices including desktop computers, display screens, all-in-one computers, and cloud and thin-client devices. Desktop/Fixed Devices is a sub-lot of Lot 3: Hardware Provision. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure desktop or fixed devices through Further Competition may choose to procure using this sub-lot, the overarching Lot 3: Hardware Provision, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 4: Lot 3 Sub-lot 3: Hardware Provision - Peripherals Sub-lot 3: Peripherals Peripherals is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of internal or external devices that connect directly to a computer, or other digital devices including educational devices, storage, and charging, voting and class interactivity systems, wearable technologies, SEND equipment, visualisers, and audio and video production equipment. Peripherals is a sub-lot of Lot 3: Hardware Provision. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure peripherals through Further Competition may choose to procure using this sub-lot, the overarching Lot 3: Hardware Provision, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 5: Lot 3 Hardware Provision Sub-lot 4 Device Services Sub-lot 4: Device Services Device Services is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of computer related services including desktop deployment, configuration and setup, white glove services, unbox and waste management, warranty and maintenance, and asset tagging, recording, and logging of devices. Device Services is a sub-lot of Lot 2: Hardware Provision. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure device services through Further Competition may choose to procure using this sub-lot, the overarching Lot 3: Hardware Provision, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 6: Lot 4: Servers and Storage (No sub-lots) Lot 4: Servers and Storage Servers and Storage is a lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of servers, server solutions, server hosting, UPS devices, storage and backup solutions and associated services. Suppliers awarded a place on this lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot but will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. This lot has no sub-lots. Lot 7: Lot 5: Networking (Overarching lot) Lot 5: Networking is the overarching lot that includes the Passive Networking, Active Networking, and Network Security sub-lots. To be successfully awarded a place on the overarching lot, Suppliers must provide responses to, and be successfully awarded a place on each sub-lot under that lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for a sub-lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for all the sub-lots in a lot will automatically be awarded as a Panel Member on the overarching lot and will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot and all its sub-lots. However, they will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Additional information: There are 3 sub-lots: Sub-lot 1: Passive Networking Sub-lot 2: Active Networking Sub-lot 3: Network Security Lot 8: Lot 5 Networking Sub-lot 1 Passive Networking Sub-lot 1: Passive Networking Passive Networking is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of passive networking solutions including fibre connections, fibre patching and trays, patch leads and connectors, copper connections and patching, cabinetry, trunking, ducting and containment, and power provision and earthing. Passive Networking is a sub-lot of Lot 5: Networking. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure passive networking devices or services through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 1: Passive Networking, the overarching Lot 5: Networking, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 9: Lot 5 Networking Sub-lot 2 Active Networking Sub-lot 2: Active Networking Active Networking is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of active networking solutions including core switching and ancillaries, edge switching and ancillaries, wireless networking, cloud controller provision and setup, and cloud management and monitoring. Active Networking is a sub-lot of Lot 5: Networking. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure active networking devices or services through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 2: Active Networking, the overarching Lot 5: Networking, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 10: Lot 5 Networking Sub-lot 3 Network Security Sub-lot 3: Network Security Network Security is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of network security solutions including firewalling and associated network security services, filtering and monitoring of filtering services, safeguarding and prevent monitoring, penetration testing and security, antivirus protection, and secure remote connectivity. Network Security is a sub-lot of Lot 5: Networking. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure network security products or services through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 3: Network Security, the overarching Lot 5: Networking, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 11: Lot 6: Software (Overarching lot) Lot 6: Software Software is the overarching lot that includes the General/Educational Software, Cloud Software, and Administration Software sub-lots. To be successfully awarded a place on the overarching lot, Suppliers must provide responses to, and be successfully awarded a place on each sub-lot under that lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for a sub-lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for all the sub-lots in a lot will automatically be awarded as a Panel Member on the overarching lot and will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot and all its sub-lots. However, they will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Additional information: There are 3 sub-lots: Sub-lot 1: General/Educational Software Sub-Lot 2: Cloud Software Sub-Lot 3: Administration Software Lot 12: Lot 6 Software Sub-lot 1 General/Educational Software Sub-lot 1: General/Educational Software General/Educational Software is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of software specifically for use in the Education Sector. General/Educational Software is a sub-lot of Lot 6: Software. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure general or educational software through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 1: General/Educational Software, the overarching Lot 6: Software, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 13: Lot 6 Software Sub-lot 2 Cloud Software Sub-Lot 2: Cloud Software Cloud Software is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of internet based and run software systems and platforms, including learning platforms or portals, assessment, attainment, and associated tools, resource management and resource access tools, single sign-on tools, security and safeguarding tools, network, user management and monitoring tools, and communications tools. Cloud Software is a sub-lot of Lot 6: Software. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure cloud software through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 2: Cloud Software, the overarching Lot 6: Software, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 14: Lot 6 Software Sub-lot 3 Administration Software Sub-Lot 3: Administration Software Administration Software is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of administrative software including finance software, HR software, data processing and attainment/assessment tools, parent communications and payment systems, payroll software, asset management software, and CRM systems. Administration Software is a sub-lot of Lot 6: Software. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure administrative software through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 3: Administration Software, the overarching Lot 6: Software, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 15: Lot 7: Cloud Services (No sub-lots) Lot 7: Cloud Services Cloud Services is a lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of products and services to allow them to adopt a cloud-first approach for user identity, resource management, application access, communications, and productivity. Suppliers awarded a place on this lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot but will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. This lot has no sub-lots. Lot 16: Lot 8: Audio Visual (No sub-lots) Lot 8: Audio Visual Audio Visual is a lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of audio and visual electronic media devices and equipment including projectors, interactive screens, non-interactive screens, and digital signage screens. Suppliers awarded a place on this lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot but will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. This lot has no sub-lots. Lot 17: Lot 9: Printing (No sub-lots) Lot 9: Printing Printing is a lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of printing devices, peripherals, and consumables, print release solutions, and services required facilitate print services. Suppliers awarded a place on this lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot but will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. This lot has no sub-lots. Lot 1: Lot 3: Hardware Provision (Overarching lot) Lot 3: Hardware Provision Lot 3: Hardware is the overarching lot that includes the provision of Mobile Devices, Desktop/Fixed Devices, Peripherals, and Device Services sub-lots. To be successfully awarded a place on the overarching lot, Suppliers must provide responses to, and be successfully awarded a place on each sub-lot under that lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for a sub-lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for all the sub-lots in a lot will automatically be awarded as a Panel Member on the overarching lot and will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot and all its sub-lots. However, they will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Additional information: There are 4 sub-lots: Sub-lot 1: Mobile Devices Sub-lot 2: Desktop/Fixed Devices Sub-lot 3: Peripherals Sub-lot 4: Device Services Lot 2: Lot 3 Hardware Provision Sub-lot 1 Mobile Devices Sub-lot 1: Mobile Devices Mobile Devices is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of mobile or portable devices including laptops, tablets, mobile communication devices, and e-readers. Mobile Devices is a sub-lot of Lot 3: Hardware Provision. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure mobile devices through Further Competition may choose to procure using this sub-lot, the overarching Lot 3: Hardware Provision, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 3: Lot 3 Hardware Provision Sub-lot 2 Desktop/Fixed Devices Sub-lot 2: Desktop/Fixed Devices Desktop/Fixed Devices is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of devices for desks or unmovable devices including desktop computers, display screens, all-in-one computers, and cloud and thin-client devices. Desktop/Fixed Devices is a sub-lot of Lot 3: Hardware Provision. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure desktop or fixed devices through Further Competition may choose to procure using this sub-lot, the overarching Lot 3: Hardware Provision, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 4: Lot 3 Sub-lot 3: Hardware Provision - Peripherals Sub-lot 3: Peripherals Peripherals is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of internal or external devices that connect directly to a computer, or other digital devices including educational devices, storage, and charging, voting and class interactivity systems, wearable technologies, SEND equipment, visualisers, and audio and video production equipment. Peripherals is a sub-lot of Lot 3: Hardware Provision. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure peripherals through Further Competition may choose to procure using this sub-lot, the overarching Lot 3: Hardware Provision, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 5: Lot 3 Hardware Provision Sub-lot 4 Device Services Sub-lot 4: Device Services Device Services is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of computer related services including desktop deployment, configuration and setup, white glove services, unbox and waste management, warranty and maintenance, and asset tagging, recording, and logging of devices. Device Services is a sub-lot of Lot 2: Hardware Provision. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure device services through Further Competition may choose to procure using this sub-lot, the overarching Lot 3: Hardware Provision, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 6: Lot 4: Servers and Storage (No sub-lots) Lot 4: Servers and Storage Servers and Storage is a lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of servers, server solutions, server hosting, UPS devices, storage and backup solutions and associated services. Suppliers awarded a place on this lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot but will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. This lot has no sub-lots. Lot 7: Lot 5: Networking (Overarching lot) Lot 5: Networking is the overarching lot that includes the Passive Networking, Active Networking, and Network Security sub-lots. To be successfully awarded a place on the overarching lot, Suppliers must provide responses to, and be successfully awarded a place on each sub-lot under that lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for a sub-lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for all the sub-lots in a lot will automatically be awarded as a Panel Member on the overarching lot and will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot and all its sub-lots. However, they will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Additional information: There are 3 sub-lots: Sub-lot 1: Passive Networking Sub-lot 2: Active Networking Sub-lot 3: Network Security Lot 8: Lot 5 Networking Sub-lot 1 Passive Networking Sub-lot 1: Passive Networking Passive Networking is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of passive networking solutions including fibre connections, fibre patching and trays, patch leads and connectors, copper connections and patching, cabinetry, trunking, ducting and containment, and power provision and earthing. Passive Networking is a sub-lot of Lot 5: Networking. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure passive networking devices or services through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 1: Passive Networking, the overarching Lot 5: Networking, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 9: Lot 5 Networking Sub-lot 2 Active Networking Sub-lot 2: Active Networking Active Networking is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of active networking solutions including core switching and ancillaries, edge switching and ancillaries, wireless networking, cloud controller provision and setup, and cloud management and monitoring. Active Networking is a sub-lot of Lot 5: Networking. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure active networking devices or services through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 2: Active Networking, the overarching Lot 5: Networking, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 10: Lot 5 Networking Sub-lot 3 Network Security Sub-lot 3: Network Security Network Security is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of network security solutions including firewalling and associated network security services, filtering and monitoring of filtering services, safeguarding and prevent monitoring, penetration testing and security, antivirus protection, and secure remote connectivity. Network Security is a sub-lot of Lot 5: Networking. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure network security products or services through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 3: Network Security, the overarching Lot 5: Networking, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 11: Lot 6: Software (Overarching lot) Lot 6: Software Software is the overarching lot that includes the General/Educational Software, Cloud Software, and Administration Software sub-lots. To be successfully awarded a place on the overarching lot, Suppliers must provide responses to, and be successfully awarded a place on each sub-lot under that lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for a sub-lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers successfully awarded as a Panel Member for all the sub-lots in a lot will automatically be awarded as a Panel Member on the overarching lot and will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot and all its sub-lots. However, they will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Additional information: There are 3 sub-lots: Sub-lot 1: General/Educational Software Sub-Lot 2: Cloud Software Sub-Lot 3: Administration Software Lot 12: Lot 6 Software Sub-lot 1 General/Educational Software Sub-lot 1: General/Educational Software General/Educational Software is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of software specifically for use in the Education Sector. General/Educational Software is a sub-lot of Lot 6: Software. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure general or educational software through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 1: General/Educational Software, the overarching Lot 6: Software, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 13: Lot 6 Software Sub-lot 2 Cloud Software Sub-Lot 2: Cloud Software Cloud Software is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of internet based and run software systems and platforms, including learning platforms or portals, assessment, attainment, and associated tools, resource management and resource access tools, single sign-on tools, security and safeguarding tools, network, user management and monitoring tools, and communications tools. Cloud Software is a sub-lot of Lot 6: Software. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure cloud software through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 2: Cloud Software, the overarching Lot 6: Software, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 14: Lot 6 Software Sub-lot 3 Administration Software Sub-Lot 3: Administration Software Administration Software is a sub-lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of administrative software including finance software, HR software, data processing and attainment/assessment tools, parent communications and payment systems, payroll software, asset management software, and CRM systems. Administration Software is a sub-lot of Lot 6: Software. Contracting Authorities wishing to procure administrative software through Further Competition may choose to procure using Sub-lot 3: Administration Software, the overarching Lot 6: Software, or Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, depending on their other requirements. More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. Suppliers can be awarded as a Panel Member for an individual sub-lot, the overarching lot, multiple lots, and sub-lots and/or all lots and sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on the overarching lot, they will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for that lot and all its sub-lots. If a supplier has been awarded a place on a sub-lot, they will only be invited to tender for Further Competitions for that sub-lot. Suppliers will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). Lot 15: Lot 7: Cloud Services (No sub-lots) Lot 7: Cloud Services Cloud Services is a lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of products and services to allow them to adopt a cloud-first approach for user identity, resource management, application access, communications, and productivity. Suppliers awarded a place on this lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot but will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. This lot has no sub-lots. Lot 16: Lot 8: Audio Visual (No sub-lots) Lot 8: Audio Visual Audio Visual is a lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of audio and visual electronic media devices and equipment including projectors, interactive screens, non-interactive screens, and digital signage screens. Suppliers awarded a place on this lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot but will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. This lot has no sub-lots. Lot 17: Lot 9: Printing (No sub-lots) Lot 9: Printing Printing is a lot that will enable Contracting Authorities to procure a range of printing devices, peripherals, and consumables, print release solutions, and services required facilitate print services. Suppliers awarded a place on this lot will be invited to tender for all Further Competitions for the lot but will not be invited to bid for any part of a Further Competition using a lot that they are not a Panel Member for. For example, if a Contracting Authority has asked for Audio Visual equipment as part of their Managed Service or Strategic Partner Further Competition, only Panel Members for Lot 1: Strategic Partnering Services, Lot 2: Support Services, and Lot 2 Sub-lot 2: Managed Service will be invited to bid (and not Panel Members for Lot 8: Audio Visual). More information is available in EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT Vol 1 - Instruction and Guidance for Tenderers - Final.docx and EN-ICT-1021 Phase 2 ITT App 2 – Framework Lots - Final.xlsx. This lot has no sub-lots.
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