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Survey services



1,000,000 EUR


The services which may be required by BE under this tender competition are divided to 11 lots, as follows: 1) topographical and underground services survey, 2) asbestos surveys, 3) lead surveys, 4) CCTV and drainage, 5) ground investigations — environmental, 6) noise/dust/vibration monitoring, 7) acoustic surveys, 8) fire engineering (Part B of the Building Regulations) survey, 9) air tightness, 10) thermographic survey, to manage heat loss and identify thermal bridging, 11) advisory services on accessibility (Part M of the Building Regulations). Applicants who submit a completed PQQ after the closing date of 16 September 2020 will not be considered for the services under the first call for competition, in respect of Lot 11 — Advisory services on accessibility. The services which may be required by BE under this tender competition are divided to 11 lots, as follows: 1) topographical and underground services survey, 2) asbestos surveys, 3) lead surveys, 4) CCTV and drainage, 5) ground Investigations — environmental, 6) noise/dust/vibration monitoring, 7) acoustic surveys, 8) fire engineering (Part B of the Building Regulations) survey, 9) air tightness, 10) thermographic survey, to manage heat loss and identify thermal bridging, 11) advisory services on accessibility (Part M of the Building Regulations). Expressions of interest are invited for individual lots, all lots or a combination of lots. Applicants who submit a completed PQQ after the closing date of 16 September 2020 will not be considered for the services under the first call for competition, in respect of Lot 11 — Advisory services on accessibility. Any such applicants who qualify to a qualification panel after this closing date for lot 11, will only be considered for services that arise after the first call for competition and during the term of the qualification panel (a ‘Further Call For Competition’). For the avoidance of doubt, to be considered for a further call for competition, applicants must have qualified to the qualification panel prior to the date of issue by BE of the invitation to tender in respect of the further call for competition.


Publish date

5 years ago

Close date

in 5 months

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Bus Eireann/Irish Bus

Ceara McBride

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