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Waste Management Services 2024



Bagnall & Morris Waste Services Ltd, easyHire Technologies, Hills Waste Solutions Limited, Mitie Waste and Environmental Services Ltd, SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd, Veolia Environmental Services PLC, Medisort Ltd, Mitie Waste and Environmental Services Ltd, Sharpsmart Ltd, SRCL Limited, Veolia Environmental Services PLC, EASYHIRE TECHNOLOGIES LTD, Sharpsmart Ltd, SRCL Limited, Bagnall & Morris Waste Services Ltd, Datashredders Limited, EASYHIRE TECHNOLOGIES LTD, Mitie Waste and Environmental Services Ltd, Restore Datashred Limited, Shredall (East Midlands) Ltd, SHRED-IT LIMITED, Shred Station Ltd, Bagnall & Morris Waste Services Ltd, Mitie Waste and Environmental Services Ltd, Sharpsmart Ltd, SRCL Limited, SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd, Chaps IT Recycling LTD, ICT REVERSE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED, Innovent Recycling Ltd, Restore Technology Limited, Re-Tek (UK) Ltd, TES AMM UK Ltd


77,000,000 GBP


HealthTrust Europe is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of Waste Management Services, the framework shall have 6 Lots: • Lot 1 - Domestic/Recycling Waste • Lot 2 - Clinical Waste • Lot 3 - Reusable Sharps Waste • Lot 4 - Confidential Waste • Lot 5 - Total Waste Management • Lot 6 - IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) HTE proposes to enter into the Framework Agreement for a maximum period of 4 years with the successful Tenderer (Successful Tenderers), being an initial 3 years period and the option to extend by 1 year period of 12 months, after the initial period. Lot 1: Domestic, General and Recycling Waste The Collection, transportation, disposal, and recycling of domestic, general, recycling and miscellaneous waste (mixed municipal waste and related sources that is the same as, or like, black-bag domestic waste from domestic households), may also include food waste, non-hazardous waste, and offensive/hygiene waste. This will be broken down into the following categories: General waste Recycling (for glass, metal, cardboard, plastics, and similar recyclable waste systems where necessary) Food waste WEEE waste Bulk waste Lot 2: Clinical Waste The collection, transportation, and disposal of clinical waste may include healthcare waste, infectious waste, sharps, pathological waste, pharmaceutical waste, offensive/hygiene waste, hazardous and non-hazardous healthcare waste. May include the supply of sharps containers. Clinical Waste as defined under The Controlled Waste Regulations 1992 means: "…any waste which consists wholly or partly of human or animal tissue, blood or other body fluids, excretions, drugs or other pharmaceutical products, swabs or dressings, syringes, needles or other sharp instruments, being waste which unless rendered safe may prove hazardous to any person coming into contact with it, and; any other waste arising from medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, pharmaceutical or similar practice, investigation, treatment, care, teaching or research, or the collection of blood for transfusion, being waste which may cause infection to any person coming into contact with it." Lot 3: Reusable Sharps Waste The service to include storage, collection, treatment, and return of sharps waste containers designed for the disposal of sharp medical waste, such as needles, syringes, lancets, scalpels, contaminated glass slides and cover slips, razors, and blades. The waste management process is expected to cover the collection, emptying and sanitization of the containers in a controlled environment. The return and replacement of the used containers after being treated, sanitised and reassembled to be re-used. Lot 4: Confidential Waste The storage, collection, and final disposal of confidential waste. This includes (but is not exclusive to) the following: confidential wastepaper, carbon paper, colored paper, computer paper, fax paper, glossy paper, invoice paper, laser printouts, ledger paper, general stationary, NCR paper, transparencies, and other confidential non-paper items such as x-rays and imaging reports. This is to include waste minimisation and incorporated recycling systems. The service should include on-site and off-site shredding services. The Tenderer must be able to carry out a start-to-end process of the collection and destruction of confidential waste compliantly and securely. Lot 5: Total Waste Management The storage, collection, and final disposal of waste generated by public sector organisations for the following types of waste: Domestic, General and Recycling Waste Management Clinical Waste Management Reusable Sharps Waste Management Confidential Waste Management Provision of a total waste management solution, to include a one-stop-shop solution for the collection, transportation, and disposal of an Authority's waste. To include audit services, waste management services, and contract management services. Lot 6: Lot 6 - IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) This lot is the provision of IT Asset Disposal service to ensure the end-of-life of IT equipment are managed responsibly, securely and sustainably. The services expected should ensure the safe and efficient retirement of IT assets. This includes data destruction, recycling, and remarketing. Secure data destruction methods, such as degaussing, shredding, and software wiping, are essential components of ITAD services to prevent data breaches and protect sensitive information.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

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Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust

Lewis Gardner

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