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Invitation to Tender for the Framework Agreement for Catering Services at Sidney Stringer MAT



Sidney Stringer MAT has decided to tender their catering services to investigate the financial and qualitative benefits they could be offered through this process. The contract will be awarded for a three-year duration with the option of two additional, one year extensions. The financial structure of the contract is designed to reflect the Trusts' aims to reward the Contractor in a fair manner and based upon contract delivery and to have an open-book agreement that is easily auditable. Further details about the Trust & Schools are given later in the document under 'The Schools' section. Tender Schedule: Issue of Invitation to Tender - 20/01/2025 Bidding Companies to Visit Sites - Tue 4th - Thur 6th Feb 2025 Clarification Deadline - 26/02/2025 Clarification Return Deadline * - 03/03/2025 Deadline for return of Tender Responses - 07/03/2025 - 3:00pm Evaluation of Responses - Red Box - w/c 10/03/2025 Presentation by shortlisted bidders - 27/03/2025 (location tbc) Reference site visits - w/c 31/03/2025 Contract Awarded by - 25/04/2025 Mobilisation Meeting - tbc Contract Commencement - 01/09/2025 Please direct all tender queries to: Consultant Contacts: Dean Douthwaite / Tel: 07814 138157 Lot 1: Sidney Stringer MAT School site visits to take place from Tuesday 4th February - Thursday 6th February 2025. Site visit schedule included in the ITT documentation. The Sidney Stringer Multi Academy Trust has decided to tender their catering services to investigate the financial and qualitative benefits they could be offered through this process. The Schools involved are: - ❑ Sidney Stringer Primary School ❑ Radford Primary School ❑ Sidney Stringer Academy ❑ Ernesford Grange ❑ Riverbank Academy ❑ Woodfield Primary School & Secondary School The Sidney Stringer Multi Academy Trust wish to be at the forefront of school catering and as such require a modern, branded offer that reflects the leading trends in the industry. At this time, the Trust's wish is to commence a catering contract, with a partner who shares their vision for a customer-focused service that attracts the maximum number of students. The meals that are to be provided must be appealing to customers, imaginative, provide good value for money and be nutritionally balanced to encourage all students to make an educated choice. The Trust's objectives for the new contract are as follows:- • Pupils are offered well balanced, nutritional and appealing food that is appropriate for individual school settings. • Meaningful pupil engagement is embedded where feedback is sought, considered and reflected in menus. • Food is of a high-quality & reasonable in terms of portion sizes. • The catering provision is inclusive and designed to recognise and meet the individual needs of our pupils such as physical restrictions, dietary and religious requirements. • The catering provision supports the trusts desire to maximise sustainability throughout its delivery. • Catering staff are embedded within the school staffing structure, modelling school values and complying with policy and regulation. • Transparency and consistency in the charging of all catering, including hospitality. • Value for money through achieved and can be evidenced • Efficient systems for payment, ordering and serving to ensure pupils prevent the possibility of debt and receive the meal of their choice swiftly. • Hospitality is provided that is suitable for a professional audience. • Collaborative relationship with supplier which results in professional service delivery. • A catering service that is well managed and requires minimal involvement from the Trust's management team. • A strong Contractor Area Manager who will develop and lead the team to deliver a customer service focused offer and spend a substantial amount of time on site at the outset to undertake this. • Investment in the Trust's Catering service through increased marketing in return for a tenure of contract. • A higher number of students and staff using the facilities by providing a high quality, affordable and nutritious meal.


Publish date

2 months ago

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22 days ago

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Sidney Stringer Multi Academy Trust

Neil Meadows

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