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EEM0071 Vacant Property Services Framework



Efficiency East Midlands (EEM Ltd) is a procurement consortium which establishes and manages a range of frameworks and DPS agreements. Our membership has now grown to over 365 members including organisations providing services to the whole public sector including housing associations, local authorities, NHS Trusts, Education Providers and Emergency Services. EEM Ltd will be conducting a tender exercise for the renewal of our existing Void Property Framework (EEM0071) which will expire in November 2024. The contract will have geographical Sublots which will be Midlands and National as well as 3 lots to include cleaning and clearing, security services and a turn key property management to include property inspections/assessments and repairs and maintenance (subject to change). Organisations who are interested in this opportunity will need to register for a supplier account via ( and email; to confirm their interest and registration with the portal. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Vacant Property Clearing and Cleaning (Interior & Exterior) Lot 1 covers vacant property cleaning and clearing requirements. Contractors appointed to Lot 1 will support Members meet their vacant re-let policy and standards and turnaround timescales by completing cleaning and clearance works in accordance with specified requirements and within required timescales. • Builders clean • Light/sparkle property cleaning • Deep/heavy property cleaning • Environmental and specialist cleaning • Priority property cleaning • Additional cleaning services • Internal property clearances • Property garden clearances to include front, side and back garden including bin store areas and sheds • Loft, cellar and garage clearances • Clearing and disposal of general waste • Clearing and disposal of hazardous and bio-hazardous waste • Clearing and disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE Waste) • Persistent Organic Pollutions (POPs) for waste upholstered domestic seating • One off and adhoc clearing and disposal services including attendance to fly tipped waste • Pest Control • Additional waste clearance requirements Lot 2: Lot 2 - Vacant Property Security Services and Call Handling Lot 2 of this framework covers vacant property security by means of installation, monitoring and responsive security services to prevent trespass, unauthorised access, vandalism, and theft. • Supply, installation, and removal of on hire de-mountable screens and doors • Responsive out of hours service for security screens • Supply and installation of de-mountable screens and doors on an outright purchase basis. • Non demountable pre-demolition security screens on an outright purchase basis • Supply, Installation, and removal of net curtains on a hire basis • Supply and Installation of net curtain on an outright purchase basis • Supply and installation of concrete barriers, bollards, perimeter fencing & prickle strips • Boarding up services including emergency boarding and glazing • Supply and installation of temporary wireless intruder alarms with multiple detectors (on hire) • Temporary alarm system monitoring and response service from alarm response centre (ARC). • Temporary steel security keyed or keyless doors (on hire or purchase) • End of tenancy door lock changes • Keyholding services • Access control solutions • Temporary CCTV (solar or mains) • Mobile CCTV towers • Call Handling Services • Additional security service such as vacant property guardian, bluetooth key safes and doors, meter box covers, letter box seals, CCTV solutions, drone survey services. • Any other security services as required by our Members. Lot 3: Lot 3 Turn-key Vacant Property Management Service It is intended that Members will utilise Lot 3 where multiple services are required and where Members would like one Contractor to manage all their vacant property requirements under one contract for bringing a property back to lettable standards. Through this Lot EEM are trying to provide Members a full turnkey approach to their vacant property management ensuring a smooth and efficient service to meet their individual turnaround times. Whilst this is the intention, there may be occasions when a Member wishes to call off one single service that is only covered by Lot 3. Contractors may be provided a "Letting Standard Policy" by members that they must adhere to. • Initial Property Assessments • Vacant Property Inspections, Inventory and Condition Reporting • Repairs and Maintenance • Upgrades and Improvements • Electrics During Property Inspections • Gas Plumbing • Water System Drain Down • Utility Turn Off and Reinstatement


Publish date

8 months ago

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Efficiency East Midlands Ltd


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