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QUB/2740/25 a Thermogravimetric Analysis – Mass Spectrometry (TGA-MS) system



Queen’s University of Belfast wishes to procure a Turnkey solution for a high-resolution/precision hyphenated TGA-MS system that can analyse the mass and evolved gas product changes associated with thermal decomposition of organic and inorganic samples in radiocarbon dating research and application.The proposed equipment will be used for cutting-edge research into the development of improved methodologies for the reliable and accurate dating of precious (material-limited) archaeological artefacts from museum collections. In particular, it will focus on the investigation, identification and removal of consolidant contamination sources under different heating regimes whilst run in parallel with an in-house ramped pyrolysis/pyroxidation/combustion (RP/RC) setup for separation/graphitization and dating of CO2 fractions. Critical to these experiments, where setups are run in parallel, is the need for the TGA-MS system to provide live overlapped presentation of the TGA AND MS data (i.e. Lot 1: Queen’s University of Belfast wishes to procure a Turnkey solution for a high-resolution/precision hyphenated TGA-MS system that can analyse the mass and evolved gas product changes associated with thermal decomposition of organic and inorganic samples in radiocarbon dating research and application.


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