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Printing & Dispatch of Question Papers



Page Bros (Norwich) Ltd, Page Bros (Norwich) Ltd, Page Bros (Norwich) Ltd


340,299.09 GBP


This contract is required by SQA for the secure printing of question paper materials and maps plus the collation of examination materials and onward dispatch to examination centres. This service is time critical and crucial to the successful fulfilment of the examination diet process Lot 1: Printing of question papers SQA reserve the right to award the Lots to multiple suppliers. Suppliers may bid for one or more Lots. Suppliers can choose if they wish to bid for Lot 3b in addition to the requirement specified in Lot 3a. Suppliers must clearly state in their ESPD submission what Lots they are interested in bidding for. Suppliers must provide a separate response from any subcontractors they wish to use, upon whose capability and/or capacity the supplier relies upon in order to meet any aspect of the selection criteria. In this case, these entities must complete the relevant parts of an ESPD (Scotland) to self-declare whether there are grounds for their exclusion and provide details of how they meet the required selection criteria. This work is of a highly confidential nature and it is fundamental for all stages of this work, including any material held electronically and all printed copies, to be kept secure and confidential at all times. Suppliers must be able to demonstrate a high level of end to end security. Please note that quantities and requirements may alter during the contract term due to changes in the SQA examination diet process. SQA will work with the successful supplier/s to ensure requirements are updated and agreed on a regular basis. Lot 2: Printing of maps SQA reserve the right to award the Lots to multiple suppliers. Suppliers may bid for one or more Lots. Suppliers can choose if they wish to bid for Lot 3b in addition to the requirement specified in Lot 3a. Suppliers must clearly state in their ESPD submission what Lots they are interested in bidding for. Suppliers must provide a separate response from any subcontractors they wish to use, upon whose capability and/or capacity the supplier relies upon in order to meet any aspect of the selection criteria. In this case, these entities must complete the relevant parts of an ESPD (Scotland) to self-declare whether there are grounds for their exclusion and provide details of how they meet the required selection criteria. This work is of a highly confidential nature and it is fundamental for all stages of this work, including any material held electronically and all printed copies, to be kept secure and confidential at all times. Suppliers must be able to demonstrate a high level of end to end security. Please note that quantities and requirements may alter during the contract term due to changes in the SQA examination diet process. SQA will work with the successful supplier/s to ensure requirements are updated and agreed on a regular basis. Lot 3: Collation of examination materials for onward dispatch Lot 3a will include collating the materials into either a fixed or variable number to match centre requirements. Lot 3b will then include the delivery of said materials to examination centres throughout mainland and remote locations of Scotland, and occasionally to locations out with Scotland. This work must be securely carried out within a short and specific timeframe SQA reserve the right to award the Lots to multiple suppliers. Suppliers may bid for one or more Lots. Suppliers can choose if they wish to bid for Lot 3b in addition to the requirement specified in Lot 3a. Suppliers must clearly state in their ESPD submission what Lots they are interested in bidding for. Suppliers must provide a separate response from any subcontractors they wish to use, upon whose capability and/or capacity the supplier relies upon in order to meet any aspect of the selection criteria. In this case, these entities must complete the relevant parts of an ESPD (Scotland) to self-declare whether there are grounds for their exclusion and provide details of how they meet the required selection criteria. This work is of a highly confidential nature and it is fundamental for all stages of this work, including any material held electronically and all printed copies, to be kept secure and confidential at all times. Suppliers must be able to demonstrate a high level of end to end security. Please note that quantities and requirements may alter during the contract term due to changes in the SQA examination diet process. SQA will work with the successful supplier/s to ensure requirements are updated and agreed on a regular basis.


Award date

6 years ago

Publish date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Scottish Qualifications Authority


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