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Repair & Maintenance of Various Equipment - AWARD





16,222.5 GBP


This is an Invitation to Quote with information, instructions and guidance provided in this document, following consideration of which the Quotation submission should be completed and returned by all suppliers who wish to quote for the requirement described in the following pages. Overview Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council is seeking to appoint experienced contractors to carry out repairs and maintenance for: o Lot 1 - Commercial Laundry Equipment (estimated contract value ?30,000.00) o Lot 2 - Roller Shutter Doors (estimated contract value ?35,000.00) o Lot 3 - Air Conditioning Units (estimated contract value ?25,000.00) Suppliers may apply for all lots, but if successful will only be awarded a maximum of one lot. The most economically advantageous suppliers will be appointed. Should a supplier be the most economically advantageous bid in more than one lot, then the second most economically advantageous supplier will be appointed. Suppliers must be able to supply all of the line items identified in that lot (see pricing documents). The maintenance and repair service shall cover Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (excluding bank holidays). In exceptional circumstances, the contractor may be requested by the Premise manager to attend to emergency situations. The estimated total contract value across all lots is ?90,000.00. However, this figure is intended to assist with the preparation of your bid. The Council does not bind itself to this or any other figure and is not a guarantee of business which may be generated from this contract. The contract period will be for 3 years, commencing 01stJanuary 2025 to 31st December 2027. The Supplier shall receive works orders and post details of completed works including certification as required back to the Buyer electronically by means of mobile technology. The Supplier shall make the necessary arrangements and allowances to facilitate this in accordance with Section 7.


Publish date

4 months ago

Award date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Simran Dhaliwal

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