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Value of Events Research (2023)



As part of our role as strategic lead for the hosting of major sporting events in the UK, UK Sport looks to provide insight to, for and about the sport events sector. Within this remit, UK Sport looks to advocate for the benefit of major sports events to the UK. We aim to ensure that events are kept firmly on the public, political and media agenda by continuing to demonstrate their value. Furthermore, the UK's reputation as a trusted host of major events supports the representation of the UK as a leader on a global scale. Having commissioned similar research in 2022 (see Appendix 3) UK Sport is seeking to commission detailed research into the value of major sports events which are hosted in the UK in 2023 and that have received National Lottery and/or Exchequer funding. This research should also consider how these major events impact the UK's global reputation. The research should look to measure and report on the 'extraordinary moments' generated across our events portfolio over the course of 2023 and reflect on how the value of events has progressed since the last report in 2022. The report should also include narrative on the impact and value of UK 'Crown Jewels' events, major sporting events of significant national interest such as Wimbledon, The Open, World Snooker Championships, The Ashes and more. The findings of this research must be compiled into a report to inform presentations at our annual Event Partners Day in mid-January 2024. Recognising that data from events taking place in Nov/Dec 2023 might be difficult to fully incorporate, the final report delivery date will be February 2024. This version will be shared with sector stakeholders and the media. *********** To express interest in this tender opportunity, please e-mail:


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2 years ago

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a year ago

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