Pan TfL Catering & Other Food and Beverages Services
This (PIN) is to advise suppliers of Catering Services, Cafeteria/Deli Coffee Bar Services, Catering Equipment Maintenance Services, Vending Services, Water Cooler/Bottle Cooler Services, that Transport for London are undertaking an Early Market Engagement (EME) exercise in advance of a planned procurement process for these services across various TfL business units - including Head Offices, Operational sites and London Transport Museum (LTM). Other TfL business units may also be included in scope. An indicative list of services likely to be within scope are below (all activities will not be required of all business units) The requirement is for the management and operation of catering services across the portfolio comprising: -Staff Catering Services -Cafeteria /Deli Coffee bar Services -Vending Services (including Smart Vending) -Hospitality and Meeting Room Services -Hub/Kitchenette Services -Catering Equipment Maintenance - Event catering for the LTM meeting rooms Lot 1: The primary focus of this PIN and EME exercise is to better understand market appetite, capacity and capability. Suppliers are requested to express their interest in taking part in this EME exercise. The exercise will include the completion of a short Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ). Suppliers are requested to confirm their interest in participating in this exercise by providing the following details via email to -Organisation name -Main contact name -Email address for correspondence Suppliers confirming their interest will be asked to complete a short Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ) pertaining to the potential procurement. Feedback from any engagement activity undertaken may be used by TfL in the finalisation of tender documentation. MSQ's will be issued to interested parties with completion and return required by 1200 hours on 21 June 2024. Further details of the potential requirement and instructions for completion and return will be provided in the MSQ issued. A separate Contract Notice will be issued as a call for competition to invite suppliers to participate in any future tendering process. Additional information: The number of Contracts and Lots might change to reflect on the views received from the Market and other information that will inform the development and finalisation of the procurement strategy.
Publish date
9 months ago
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Transport for London
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