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Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements (MHTR)



2,650,686 GBP


Devon Partnership NHS Trust is seeking to secure a Prime Provider that has the capability and capacity to deliver Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements services across the Peninsula (Devon and Cornwall OPCC boundary), in line with the specified requirements of the contract. An MHTR is a community order, which is a sentence that a court can pass to someone if they have mental health needs and have committed a lesser criminal offence. Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirement is a function of Integrated Non-Custodial Services (IN-CS). The procurement is divided into 3 lots within the South West as follows:- Lot 1: Devon and Torbay Lot 2: Plymouth Lot 3: Cornwall The contracts will be for a term of 7 years and services are planned to commence from 1st April 2025. The contracts could be subject to nationally mandated directives or service alterations with associated funding during the term of the contract. TUPE is likely to apply to this procurement. Lot 1: Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements (MHTR) - Devon and Torbay Devon Partnership NHS Trust is seeking to secure a Prime Provider that has the capability and capacity to deliver Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements services across the Peninsula (Devon and Cornwall OPCC boundary), in line with the specified requirements of the contract. The procurement is divided into lots. Lot 1 covers the Devon and Torbay area. Please refer to the tender documents for more information. Lot 2: Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements (MHTR) - Plymouth Devon Partnership NHS Trust is seeking to secure a Prime Provider that has the capability and capacity to deliver Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements services across the Peninsula (Devon and Cornwall OPCC boundary), in line with the specified requirements of the contract. The procurement is divided into lots. Lot 2 covers the Plymouth area. Please refer to the tender documents for more information Lot 3: Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements (MHTR) - Cornwall Devon Partnership NHS Trust is seeking to secure a Prime Provider that has the capability and capacity to deliver Primary Mental Health Treatment Requirements services across the Peninsula (Devon and Cornwall OPCC boundary), in line with the specified requirements of the contract. The procurement is divided into lots. Lot 3 covers the Cornwall area. Please refer to the tender documents for more information


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Devon Partnership NHS Trust

Helen Jaques

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