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Security Patrol and Response



72,000,000 GBP


Thames Water intends to award Framework Agreement to a single supplier for a dedicated security patrol and response service to improve our protective security, particularly for our critical assets, and ensure compliance with associated industry regulations such as SEMD (Security & Emergency Measures Direction) and PSG (Protective Security Guidance). To ensure compliance, we are required to patrol our critical assets and have sufficient planned response for incidents, and resource must be trained to respond to worst case scenarios. The scope will include a dedicated 24/7 service to provide: a) Proactive patrols and inspections of our sites to provide security presence and check for perimeter vulnerabilities; and b) Reactive rapid response to alarms and incidents, and providing security support for police and frontline staff where needed. The successful supplier will need to provide appropriate vehicles, communications and response equipment, and officers that are adequately trained in incident response, enhanced physical intervention, conflict management, etc. The supplier will also need to coordinate their staff/vehicles across our region (London & Thames Valley) with appropriate route planning to ensure our needs and SLAs are met. Reactive response requirements will be communicated to the Supplier by our Alarm Monitoring Centre (AMC). Our key priorities and expectations for this agreement include: Security Resilience & Assurance to improve protection of our sites and more capable response to alarms/incidents; Compliance with SEMD & PSG regs; Health, Safety & Wellbeing focus with increased protection for our staff against public threats/abuse; and Value for Money to demonstrate to OFWAT in line with our PR24 submission, and reducing the cost of damage/loss from security breaches.


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Thames Water Utilities Limited


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